
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, January 7, 2019

Yoursay: Oh no, not another million-ringgit scandal

YOURSAY | ‘When will all these crooked deals end?’
The Wakandan: So we had another RM800 million allegedly stolen by you know who.
It would not be a problem if the Employers’ Provident Fund (EPF) bought the land directly from the Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) for the purpose of developing it since they are both government agencies.
But why did it go through the ‘middleman’, Aset Tanah Negara Bhd (ATNB)? RM800 million, whoosh, gone just like that!
Of course, this kind of transaction was very common in the BN era.
Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok has opened the Pandora’s box. If they are diligent enough, they will find many more interesting cases. Let’s not hold our breath.
Voice of a Rakyat: Minister, is it an attempt to make yourself relevant by bringing the past regime's issues?
Commodities are not performing. How can you as minister help? Do you have any strategy?
Anonymous: @Voice of a Rakyat, are you saying we should forget about all the injustices done by past regimes and keep quiet about them?
Then why in the first place vote for change of government? Might as well continue with the old regime and pretend nothing happens, right?
Dont Just Talk: At the rate the abuse of power and corruption cases are exposed, the Pakatan Harapan government should increase the annual budget for the MACC and Attorney-General’s Chambers to boost their workforce with experienced officers to investigate and prosecute the MRB senior managers responsible for the loss of RM800 million.
Roar For Truth: I am not surprised at all. An audit of all government-related agencies will reveal past criminal activities to enrich those in political power.
Will the Harapan government and their appointees be any different? Time will tell.
Shovelnose: I really would like economists to chime in if such development (a new city centre in Sungai Buloh) is really necessary, required or productive.
This type of construction and development is non-productive in the long term, except to provide very short-term relief to a sector that not many locals work in, and employs lots of foreign workers.
Why is there no longer-term push for a more productive, research and innovative industry? I hope there is one being planned by the new government, not just give a fish a day to a hungry man.
Wira: Former PM Najib Abdul Razak, my EPF money is not government money.
EPF paid RM2.28 billion for a plot of land for which the previous owner, MRB, received RM1.5 billion.
Najib, can you please show what happened to the difference and why EPF was forced to pay an extra RM780 million for government land?
Stevie W: Oh no, another million-ringgit scam. What's the next one?
AnotherKomentar: EPF is not owned by the Malaysian government, it’s a statutory pension fund that is supposedly managed for the benefits of its millions of contributors.
Its investment decisions were supposedly independent of political interference and subject to prudential governance.
Therefore, it’s unacceptable for it to have known that it had paid a premium of RM800 million to ATNB when in fact the original owner, MRB, another statutory body, could have sold the land directly to EPF if it had been negotiated at “arm’s length”.
It appears that the RM800 million “profit” from EPF was for the other nefarious purposes of Najib. Was EPF aware?
Bravemalaysian: Frankly, I don't think Kwasa Land under EPF was under pressure to buy that piece of land at market value.
The question is whether the directors who approved this deal approved it in EPF's interest or were they pressured to do so, much like the former Bank Negara governor was pressured.
If the directors had succumbed to pressure and made a decision because of that, then they should do the honourable thing: resign.
Rick Teo: EPF and its board members should be hauled up and questioned about this land deal. It cannot possibly be an honest deal when in such a short period, the Finance Ministry netted a profit of RM800 million.
There is no doubt something fishy was hatched in the land sale where EPF and Finance Ministry officials benefitted from the deal.
Anonymos: Remember Lim Guan Eng’s bungalow case where it was alleged that he bought it below market value? Now, what about ATNB? Are they above the law?
Eagle: The point is why should the land be sold? Why is it that government land, which is held for public use, is sold? Sungai Buloh land sold to EPF, land in Bukit Bintang and Sungai Besi sold to private firms.
Did the government have such short-term vision? Or is it just plain greed? It’s not only in Kuala Lumpur but all over Malaysia.
When politicians get into power, soon you hear of them selling government land on the cheap, usually with generous and lengthy payment terms, sometimes on contra for projects.
When will these crooked deals end?
Anonymous 2439891477538802: What country in the world would countenance a government which makes land transactions like this for the purpose of covering a shortfall in the national budget to the tune of RM780 million because its finance minister had overspent and engaged in dubious deals with foreign entities, all of which clearly shows that he is profligate and corrupt?
Now the perpetrator proclaims innocence even when all the evidence of his doing and negligence are being unfolded to the public eye.
Only those who are mentally challenged cannot see the damage Najib has done to Malaysia.
Anonymous_1527925538: Since ATNB, which pocketed the RM800 million profit, belongs to the Ministry of Finance, Lim Guan Eng should be able to trace and let the people know where that money has gone. - Mkini

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