
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Attorney General Mr Tommy Thomas, The Country Lacks Morals, Ethics And A Proper Value System. Do Not Neglect Your Duty To Show The Right Direction.

There is a message at the bottom here for the AG Mr Tommy Thomas. 

First just some 'show off' statistics. This Blog has received over 140,000 hits over the past two days alone. Thank you very much.  

There were 81,000 hits yesterday and another 60,000 the day before.

I think this is more than the circulation of the New Straits Times. 

The total hits has also exceeded 55.7 million people. Thank you again.First here is some news,  taken from the NST here :

By Ahmad Fairuz Othman and Teoh Pei Ying - March 25, 2019 

Police submit IP on altercation between Umno member, UM students, journalists 
to the Attorney-General's Chambers tomorrow
IGP said police had so far received 11 reports over the incident.

So far no arrests have been made. 
we have recorded 26 statements 
"Police will take further action based on DPPs instructions," he said.

Last Fri UM students holding peaceful demonstration against Najib 
were accosted and manhandled by some supporters

video shows Umno supreme council member violent 
supporter grabbed student and held him in a chokehold

Najib’s supporters harassed two journalists 

My comments :

It was not an altercation. 
NST is still trashy. 
The goons attacked the students and journalists. 
Please watch the video.

The IGP says no arrests? Why have there been no arrests?  So you are saying there is no need for the Police to arrest people who go around pulling other peoples' hair or push people around?  

Tan Sri IGP, so can anyone just grab your head and pull your hair? In public? According to your value system, is that an OK thing to do? 

The Police are waiting for instructions from the DPP to take further action? What "further action"? You have not taken any action at all.  

But you did look terribly stupid when you took action to arrest those FOUR INDIAN boys in Subang Jaya who rescued Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim and sent him to safety.  Why did you do that Tan Sri IGP?  And then nampak lagi bodoh when the Magistrate's Court threw out your case and released the FOUR Indian boys.

Now in this case you have not taken any action. Instead you have tai chi the matter to the DPP. 

Lets list out some  relevant cases and the people involved. 

1.  Some weeks ago there was a viral video of some Malay guys in Terengganu beating up an Indian fellow who was with a Malay woman. It was some domestic issue where the woman's husband went ballistic. Still there were no arrests because according to the Police neither the Malay woman nor her Malay husband made any Police reports.

What?  But what about the Indian guy who was beaten up and was obviously bleeding?  You mean it is ok for the public to just beat each other up  in public and as long as no Police reports are made, there will be no action taken?

Why didnt the Indian guy make any Police reports? 
Was he encouraged or discouraged by anyone from making a Police report? 

But even without any Police report, it does not mean that a crime or a wrong has not been committed. A crime is a crime. Even  when the victims are Indians.

2.  In 2008, during the Najib Kleptocracy, former NS MB Mohammad Hassan was caught in a RM10 million illegal funds transfer case.  Mohammad Hassan illegally transferred RM10 million offshore through an Indian Muslim mamak money changer. 

Nothing happened to Mohamed Hassan but  the Police went ahead and arrested the mamak money changer.  Pula?

The mamak money changer was punished but Mohammad Hassan got away scot free.   This upside down value system is still dominant in this country.  

3. Here is another case that has gone viral since yesterday (25th March 2019). A 25 year old Indian girl (and her mother) have been beaten up by some people in 'Section 25'??  

The text that came along with this picture says that no action has been taken by the Police even 48 hours (two days) after this young girl was beaten up. No arrests, no  statements have been recorded from anyone.   Why not? 

4. Subang Jaya Temple case - FOUR innocent Indians got arrested

Four Indian boys were obviously wrongfully arrested and taken to Court over the injury and subsequent death of Fireman Mohd Adib.  The Magistrates Court released all FOUR Indian boys because there was not even probable cause to show that the Indian boys had beaten up Mohd Adib.  It turns out now that Mohd Adib was actually rescued by the Indian boys after he was knocked down by the Bomba vehicle. 

5. UM students (including Chinese) attacked by UMNO Malays - attackers not arrested.  IGP awaiting further instructions before taking any more action. 

There seems to be an obvious pattern. 

Anyway here is my message to the Attorney General.  We thank Allah that the British left us this concept of separation of powers.  

The Attorney General CANNOT investigate any crime. The AG can only prosecute.
The Police cannot prosecute any crime. They can only investigate.
The Courts can neither prosecute nor investigate any crime. They only decide on the facts of a crime and apply the Law. 

N'theless the AG has a very large role to play because the AG and AG alone decides which cases shall be prosecuted thorugh the Courts.

Even if the Police do their work and the AG decides NOT to prosecute, then it is a dead end for justice.

If the Police do not do their work and mess up their investigation, it is also a dead end for justice. The AG will not be able to prosecute anything.

But the IGP says the Police have forwarded the IP to the AGC.  So the ball is now in the AGC.

This case of harrassing free speech is very serious. Do not take it lightly.

That was not a fracas. The UMNO gangsters deliberately attacked and assaulted other human beings who were exercising their right to free speech. Thats all there is to it.

The AG Tommy Thomas cannot pretend not to know the real situation in the country. 
After 61 years the people are free (I hope) to enjoy free speech and free discussion free from violence, free from intimidation, free from State prosecution, free from mob persecution etc.

This is something new in the country. The hooligans and the goons are going to take some time to adjust to this new reality. It is still a learning curve for them.

Now is the time to reassure the long suffering Malaysian people that the time has arrived where the Law is squarely on their side. The time has arrived where the Law will protect the peoples' right to speak freely, including young students just standing by the street and holding up placards and cartoons characterisations.

This is what free speech is all about. 

It is high time that the Law protected free speech in Malaysia by letting people speak freely and 9MORE IMPORTANTLY) by punishing those hooligans and gangsters who use threats, intimidation and violence to prevent the exercise of free speech.

If this was a case of some guys pushing and shoving each other while rushing to board the train or the bus then it is maybe not as relevant. 

If this was a case of some guys manhandling each other over a woman or over some debt, that too may be of less significance.

But this case of attacking and pulling the hair, using chokeholds etc against students for simply exercising free speech is a direct  attack  against the very idea of a free people, a democratic society and a civilised society.

Sadly this attack was not an isolated case.   Political violence is actually becoming too frequent.

We have had a Cabinet Minister being manhandled and also put into a chokehold. One Police Chief said it was a misunderstanding.   Please allow me to use a chokehold against the IGP or the State Police Chief and then let us see if it is a misunderstanding.

Before the last General Elections we saw numerous cases of the Jamal Jamban character, the Tinju character and others of their ilk walking around displaying violent tendencies.  

The real threat was that they were able to attract supporters and followers. 
This is the real danger. These are not lone wolves acting on an impulse. 
They have an evil infrastructure behind them. 

The same here in the attack against the UM students. 
The perpetrators had their supporters with them.  
These are not lone wolves acting on impulse.

The politics of country certainly must be rid of this type of violent tendencies - once and for all. We must grow up and mature as a people.

And it all rests with the AG's Chambers.

This case cannot be allowed to lapse. It will be a mockery against ALL peace loving people and a total insult against free speech. 

This is the age of instant exposure - at the speed of light. Many people recorded the attack on their smartfones and the videos have gone viral.  We all watched the video.

If this case is not prosecuted and the criminals justly punished it will just reassure the gangsters and the hooligans that it is OK to beat people up. Nothing will happen. 

This Blog and it 55.7 million readers (and counting) will be watching your actions closely.  

55.7 million readers truly represents the voice of the people.  

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