
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 22, 2019

BEST political statement 2019 (1)

Dear readers, I wonder whether you remember a couple of 'thingys', namely:

(a) Zaid Ibrahim - I have always admired him for his political courage and sense of righteousness, though not his impatience with hypocrites and fools, wakakaka. Alas matey, those twonasties have to be your punishment for being a politician.

Anyway, recall he was the man who helped AAB heal the rift between the government and Tun Abas.

then-PM Mahathir had the whole lot sacked
he subsequently blamed the (dead) Agong (former Johor Sultan) 

The rift, known as the 1988 Constitutional Crisis, occurred when Mahathir as the PM then fCk-ed the Judiciary kaukau. He couldn't stand their independence. As usual, he blamed someone else, by then a dead Agong who was unable to reply back, and also left the pile of shit to fester for nearly 15 years before AAB resolved it.

Mahathir at his Best (or Worst)

fCk-ing up the Judiciary and the Senate

FMT - World jurists condemned Mahathir for sacking Tun Salleh

by Kua Kia Soong

Dr Mahathir has tried in vain to wriggle out of the responsibility for Operation Lalang. Now he is attempting to put the blame for the sacking of Lord President Tun Salleh Abas and three other Supreme Court judges on the Agung.

As I have pointed out often enough, these two outrages against Malaysian democracy in 1987 and 1988 respectively are inextricably linked.

I am surprised that the opportunist politicians and crypto-Mahathiristas in Pakatan Harapan and the lawyers who were outraged in 1988 have so quickly forgotten recent Malaysian history or have lost their tongues. Let me remind them of Lord Denning’s words:

“Silence is not an option when things are ill done.”

And it was Zaid Ibrahim who as the acting or de factor Law Minister in the AAB cabinet who persuaded PM AAB to amiably settle that Mahathir-ised fCk-up with former High Court Judges, the crème de la crème of the then-independent Bench.

I also recall another matter related to Zaid, himself highly independent and who spoke up many a times to the surprise, shock and seething annoyance of his more-cowardly party leaders, wakakaka.

Yes, I had previously described Lim Lip Eng as one of the DAP salt-of-the-earth blokes when last year in December he and Ronnie Liu gathered outside of Dang Wangi police station to show solidarity for Zaid Ibrahim.

Just for your convenience I have re-published a relevant extract of my earlier 10 December 2017 post (mentioned in above para) as follows:

FMT - DAP members come to Zaid’s defence, report lodged against Jamal’s threat (extracts):

DAP members lead by Lim Lip Eng (middle) gathered outside of Dang Wangi police station to show solidarity for Zaid Ibrahim

Ronnie Liu 2nd from right

A group of DAP members, led by Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, lodged a police report here today against Sungei Besar Umno division chief Jamal Yunos for threatening to “smash the head” of former minister Zaid Ibrahim.

DAP central executive committee member Ronnie Liu said that he, Lim and the other members had gathered at the Dang Wangi police station here after making a report to show solidarity with Zaid, who is also a DAP member.

“I personally think he used his right to speak out as a Malaysian, and to me he has no intention to run down anybody,” he said, adding that Zaid was defending Pakatan Harapan chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Mind, wakakaka, today Zaid's defence of an 'ungrateful' Mahathir seems bloody wasted.

Anyway, I had then written: Penangites would say in their local Hokkien that they have 'gee k'ee', meaning 'loyalty of brotherhood' a la 'Tales of The Three kingdoms', sadly a sterling quality somewhat missing among some DAP Young Turks (if you know who, wakakaka), as was evident recently when a former benefactor was rudely and arrogantly dismissed as a 'nobody'.

In Dec 2018, Malaysiakini reported 
Zaid: I meant Daim and his billionaire friends are running gov't, not Dr M (extracts follows):

Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim has clarified that his remarks about billionaires running the country was not aimed at Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, but rather former finance minister Daim Zainuddin.

"Tun M was visibly upset with my statement. It was unfortunate that he misunderstood my writing. I did not say he had billions.

"Even more unfortunate I had to tell what others are saying; which is: Daim and his billionaire friends are running the government," Zaid said on Twitter today.

On Wednesday, Zaid had claimed that Pakatan Harapan's manifesto promises of a welfare state were now being overruled by “billionaires and towkays”.

“Look at their (GE14) manifesto and you can tell it was written by idealists and academics who painted a picture of hope for an equal and egalitarian country.

“[...] The problem is that the real decision makers in the Harapan government are not socialists or supporters of the welfare system. They are billionaires and towkays who are close to and are in line with Mahathir’s economic thinking,” he had said.

Mahathir, in response yesterday, had asked Zaid to furnish proof of his claim.

Well, it was obvious the victorious new Pakatan government had by then decided to ignore Zaid Ibrahim (and I suspect 'deliberately) despite his mucho efforts for both Pakatan and Mahathir.

No doubt very much broken-hearted by Pakatan cold-shouldering and Mahathir's sharp retort, Zaid said he would retire and keep his mouth shut as he was offending many important people.

But look at the just-announced news by Mahathir that it will be Daim and not our glorious Finance Minister Lim GE who will be negotiating with China on the ECRL. Hasn't Zaid been absolutely spot on when he "Daim and his billionaire friends are running the government."

But as we know of Zaid, it's just impossible for a conscionable hero like him, wakakaka, to remain quiet when he sees that fools are fooling around a foolish country foolhardy enough to foolishly support Bapak Ops Lalang and of various other scandals.

Thus he has re-emerged to (this time) fCk Mahathir kaukau. As an appetiser, Zaid said:

“Dr M says that we need a third car so we can learn more about technology.

“Does he know we have Friday sermons attributing the current hot weather to our support for LBGT? Can PM first properly educate our people and learn advanced car tech later?”

Wakakaka, kudos to you Zaid, we miss you dearly. Please stay on to be the conscience of this BS-ing "New" (but old) Malaysian government.

I assess Zaid's statement above (highlighted in yellow) as the BEST political statement (No 1) for 2019.

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