
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Breaking News : Mujahid Yusuf Rawa's Brain X Ray Bocor

Lately Mujahid has been making some weird statements. Here are two examples : 

1. Mujahid Yusuf Rawa's flip flop over Zakir Naik.

MUJAHID Yusof Rawa denied he changed his mind about Zakir Naik 
minister  described (Zakir) as demeaning to and unsuitable for Malaysia 

Mujahid said meeting with Zakir was to talk about the Islamic model in Malaysia.

My comments :

Denied changing his mind?  

So you are saying NOW that Zakir Naik is NOT demeaning and he is NOT unsuitable for Malaysia.  

This is the opposite of what you said last time.

I say Brader Mujahid, ini sudah jadi lagi satu kes 'Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin'. 

Its ok. Sekarang "Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin"  sudah jadi Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat.

[Surah 61:2]  Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mengapa kamu memperkatakan apa yang kamu tidak melakukannya! 

[Surah 61:3]  Amat besar kebenciannya di sisi Allah - kamu memperkatakan sesuatu yang kamu tidak melakukannya. 

You met with Zakir    "to talk about the Islamic model in Malaysia"  ??  
With Zakir Naik?

I say Brader Mujahid,  the people voted for you as Wakil Rakyat and Minister to solve our problems and to provide leadership.

We did not vote for Zakir Naik. 
Zakir Naik is not our Wakil Rakyat and neither is he our Minister.

If you have no brains and you have to refer to Zakir Naik, then you better resign as Minister and balik kampung tanam jagung. 

Kalau hang bodoh tak tahu buat kerja Wakil Rakyat dan Menteri, elok hang balik kampong jaga kambing dan tanam jagung. Jangan buang masa nak jadi Menteri apa pun.

Plus Zakir Naik is NOT an expert on Islam. He knows jack sh_t about Islam. 

Dont believe me? Here is proof :

The Penang Islamic Department (JAIPP) says Zakir Naik not allowed to speak 
the Indian does not have credentials, or tauliah, from state religious authorities

What the ... 
No credentials? 

This is another flip flop by the Pakatan government. 

On one hand the Pakatan government in Penang does not even allow Zakir to give speeches in Penang.

Yet the Federal Minister in the Pakatan Cabinet in Putrajaya wants to consult Zakir about 'Islamic models'.  

This fellow is only a medical doctor who has read the Bible. 
He is not an Islamic scholar.   
He does not know anything about Islam.

In India he is wanted for money laundering.

Zakir Naik is a bumiputra of India which is not an Islamic country. 
India is a secular country. 
So where did Zakir Naik learn anything about any 'Islamic model'?  

Mujahid, pasai apa hangpa ni semua bodoh macam nak mampos? 

No. 2    Mujahid Yusuf Rawa's Special Muslim marriage courts??

special court dealing with marriages, child custody, maintenance in May
authority to confiscate property of men who fails to provide for ex-wife

Minister Mujahid said getting views of various parties 
in final stages. AG etc  given their views.
would be ready to be presented to Cabinet

He said the court reflected PH efforts to protect women neglected by ex-husbands

My Comments :  As defined in the Federal Constitution, religion is a State matter under the jurisdiction of the Malay Sultans and Chief Ministers.  

The Federal government has jurisdiction over religious matters only in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan.

So where is the jurisdiction of Mujahid's Special Muslim marriage court? 
It cannot have jurisdiction in the States because . . . religion is a State matter.

But if this Special Muslim Marriage court will operate only in Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, then what happens to the existing Syariah Courts in the Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur and Labuan? Depa nak buat apa? 

Habis fail-fail 'Muslim marriages' semua kena transfer daripada Mahkamah Syariah ke special Muslim marriage court yang baru pula? 

Pasai apa buat kerja dua kali? 

Membazir saja, bazir api, air, bazir sewa pejabat, kena bayar gaji kadi dua kali, bayar gaji pegawai mahkamah dua kali - semuanya membazirkan wang rakyat. 

Saya ada cadangan yang lebih mudah untuk makluman Mujahid.

1. Step 1 - tutup kantin di semua Mahkamah Syariah 
2. Kadi, hakim, peguam dan pegawai jangan ghaib minum teh empat kali sehari.
3. Buat kerja elok-elok.
4. Mulakan kerja tepat  jam 8:00 pagi, kerja sunguh-sungguh dan balik pukul  4pm.
5. Ketatkan syarat dan undang-undang berkenaan bekas suami ghaib, teutama sekali  bekas suami yang tidak hadhir di mahkamah.  Ex husband yang tidak hadhir hukum masuk penjara saja. 

Tak payahlah nak tindih atas tindih, banyak kali tindih buat satu lagi lapisan mahkamah muslim marriages, lepas itu satu lagi mahkamah syariah offences dan banyak mahkamah lagi.

Semuanya membazir wang sahaja.

Brader Mujahid,  boleh ke anta recognise X ray otak di bawah ini? 
It looks like yours. Kosong di bahagian dalam.  

Empty brain cavity

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