
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 22, 2019

Even The ‘Rats’ In Kelantan Support Nik Aziz

Yes, those religious types with the white skull caps and the turbans praying in the mosque would not whack you. Those who will whack you are those gedebeh or sicarios who whack people for a living. And these people are staunch PAS supporters who revere Nik Aziz and will never allow you to get away with bad-mouthing the Tok Guru.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
“That is why now every election, we see 60,000 Kelantanese going back to Kelantan to vote for hudud when all the other times they are in Kuala Lumpur, probably going to clubs,” said Election Commission (EC) chairman Azhar Harun.
I thought I would write a short piece on what Art Harun said today.
Yes, it is true, PAS supports are not all pray-five-times-a-day type of people. So, to assume PAS supporters, or even PAS members, are religious fanatics or ‘Taliban’ is wrong. Take me, as one example … and I will stop there but Art Harun will know what I mean.

The beauty of Kota Bharu (I am talking about the street art) 

I used to go to Kota Bharu and even Golok a lot back in the old days (1970s and 1980s). And it was certainly not for religious reasons. And I knew quite a number of kaki-gedebeh (in Latin America they are called sicarios or hitmen). One gedebeh would act as my bodyguard whenever I was in Kota Bharu and would escort me to Golok, quite a ‘cowboy town’ in those days.
I also used these gedebeh whenever I had to go to Kelantan to collect some debts or to repossess tractors where the monthly instalments were long overdue (I had about RM500,000 ‘floating around’ in Kelantan in the 1970s and if you did not have gedebeh on your payroll then consider that money ‘burned’).
Not all PAS supporters are Talibans and many are fiercer than the Indian gangsters of Selangor
Anyway, the point is, I associated with that bunch of people who would kapak (axe) your forehead for the price of a cigarette. (I once complained about a chap in Terengganu to one of these gedebeh and he offered to come down to deal with him for free. Of course, I just laughed and told him no need, even if it would not cost me anything).
Now, the point to this story is, these kaki-gedebeh who hang around the taxi stand in Kota Bharu may not be the ‘Taliban’ type of people that Pakatan Harapan is so fond of talking about. While other Muslims are praying inside the mosque they will be smoking ganja outside the mosque.
But try insulting Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat or say bad things about PAS in front of them. They will mark your forehead with an axe and leave a scar for the rest of your life to remind you to not be kurang ajar. (Anyone still remember the story of Samad Gol who got ‘axed’ and died in Kota Bharu?)

The preferred weapon of the Kelantan sicarios

Yes, those religious types with the white skull caps and the turbans praying in the mosque would not whack you. Those who will whack you are those gedebeh or sicarios who whack people for a living. And these people are staunch PAS supporters who revere Nik Aziz and will never allow you to get away with bad-mouthing the Tok Guru.

So, do not just look inside the mosques for PAS supporters. Also look in the sewers, alleys and back lanes because even the ‘rats’ in Kelantan support PAS, as the EC chairman Azhar Harun pointed out.

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