
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Lim Kit Siang’s Biggest Lie Ever

The real reason why Kit Siang is spinning all these lies is because he needs to explain to the Chinese why DAP keeps marrying PAS and then divorces PAS again. Marry in 1999 and then divorce in 2001. Marry again in 2008 and then divorce again in 2015. The impression being created is that either Kit Siang does not know what he is doing or he is just using PAS when he needs the Malay votes and then chucks PAS away once he no longer needs a Malay party to win Malay votes.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Over the last five or six years, Lim Kit Siang has been telling Malaysians the biggest lie in his political career — and he has told many lies, mind you. Kit Siang has been telling so many lies for so long that he is unable to separate fact from fiction any longer. That is what happens when you tell so many lies for so long.
Kit Siang is telling his Pakatan Harapan supporters, in particular the Chinese, that the PAS under the late Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat was different from the PAS of today under Tok Guru Abdul Hadi Awang. The ‘old’ PAS was moderate and liberal while the ‘new’ PAS is conservative and extremist.
First of all, PAS was never ‘under’ Nik Aziz. In 1983, Yusof Abdullah a.k.a. Yusof Rawa (the father of Pakatan Harapan cabinet minister for religious affairs, Mujahid) became the President of PAS. In 1987, Yusof Rawa became the party’s First Spiritual Leader.
In 1989, the late Ustaz Fadzil Muhammad Noor took over as the party president until his death on 23rd June 2002.

Kit Siang says PAS under Nik Aziz was liberal while PAS under Hadi is extremist

Tok Guru Nik Aziz became the Menteri Besar of Kelantan in 1990 when the state fell to PAS-Semangat 46 and he was appointed the Second Spiritual Leader of PAS from 1991 till 12th February 2015 when he died
Now, this timeline is very important to prove that Kit Siang has been spinning a yarn these past few years and what he said about the so-called ‘old’ PAS and ‘new’ PAS is a pack of lies.
Barisan Alternatif (BA) was formed to face the November 1999 general election (GE10) comprising PAS, DAP, PKN and PRM (PKN and PRM later merged to become PKR in 2002).
On 21st September 2001, DAP left the BA coalition due to differences with PAS regarding the Islamic Sharia law of Hudud. The President of PAS then was Ustaz Fadzil and not Hadi Awang. Hadi was just the Menteri Besar of Terengganu.

There is no ‘old’ PAS under Nik Aziz and ‘new’ PAS under Hadi

On 22nd September 2015, Pakatan Harapan was formed. The reason DAP formed Pakatan Harapan was so that PAS can be kicked out of the opposition coalition (Pakatan Rakyat) due to, yet again, differences with PAS regarding the Islamic Sharia law of Hudud.
So, DAP married PAS in 1999 and divorced PAS in 2001 due to “differences with PAS regarding the Islamic Sharia law of Hudud” and then married PAS again in 2008 and divorced yet again in 2015 due to “differences with PAS regarding the Islamic Sharia law of Hudud”.
But then the Hudud laws that DAP is so against was passed by Nik Aziz’s government in Kelantan in 1993. And the RUU355 that created a storm all over Malaysia soon after GE13 is actually the 1993 Hudud Law Bill that was passed by the Kelantan State Assembly in 1993, meaning Nik Aziz’s government in Kelantan.

Contrary to what Kit Siang says, Nik Aziz and Hadi share the same ideology

And Nik Aziz was not only the Menteri Besar of Kelantan but the Spiritual Leader of PAS as well.
So, what is Kit Siang talking about when he says the ‘old’ PAS under Nik Aziz was moderate and liberal while the ‘new’ PAS under Hadi is conservative and extremist? And the excuse Kit Siang uses is the RUU355 issue.
RUU355 is a throwback from 1993 when Nik Aziz was the Menteri Besar of Kelantan and the Spiritual Leader of PAS — while Ustaz Fadzil Noor was the party President. RUU355 had nothing to do with Hadi. And it is the Ulama’ Council and not the party President that makes decisions regarding ‘spiritual matters’.
The real reason why Kit Siang is spinning all these lies is because he needs to explain to the Chinese why DAP keeps marrying PAS and then divorces PAS again. Marry in 1999 and then divorce in 2001. Marry again in 2008 and then divorce again in 2015. The impression being created is that either Kit Siang does not know what he is doing or he is just using PAS when he needs the Malay votes and then chucks PAS away once he no longer needs a Malay party to win Malay votes.

Kit Siang helped PAS campaign in the Kuala Terengganu by-election in January 2009 in spite of the 2001 Hudud Bill passed by the Terengganu State Assembly

To admit they made a mistake or were just using PAS to win Malay votes will not sound good. So, instead, they say that the PAS under the late Nik Aziz was different from the PAS of today under Hadi. The ‘old’ PAS was moderate and liberal while the ‘new’ PAS is conservative and extremist.
But what most people do not notice is the timeline. There was no ‘old PAS under Nik Aziz’ because PAS was never under Nik Aziz since the President then was Fadzil Noor. When DAP married PAS in 1999, the Hudud law or RUU355 had already been passed by the Kelantan State Assembly six years earlier in 1993. But DAP still married PAS.
In 2001, the Terengganu State Government under Hadi pushed for Hudud to also be implemented in Terengganu and the Bill was passed by the Terengganu State Assembly. That was in 2001. Yet in 2008 DAP still married PAS and then used the Hudud Bill as the excuse to divorce PAS in 2015.
And this brings us to one very crucial question. Am I the only smart person to see that the timeline and Lim Kit Siang’s story do not match? Or are the Pakatan Harapan people, in particular the Chinese, so gullible that they will swallow anything Kit Siang says; hook, line and sinker?

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