
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 11, 2019

No place for racism in Islam

There is no arguing that people of various ethnic groups have contributed to the well-being of our nation for the past 60 over years.
Malaysia is what it is today due to the relentless efforts and sacrifice of all races in the country.
However, it is unfortunate that of late some politicians have been stirring racial tension and unrest in the country, playing the race and religion cards to satiate their political appetites.
The government should not allow this group of disenchanted politicians to rear their ugly heads.
There are some rogue politicians out there stirring up emotions to suit their political agenda. If they are not reined in, it is going to create racial resentment in society.
The majority peace-loving people are not interested to hear incendiary remarks on ones’ race and religion made by these thoughtless politicians. They are aware that racially discriminatory rhetoric can lead to irreparable stain on the fabric of our society.
It is therefore crucial that politicians be told to develop a sense of universal responsibility, a deep concern for all citizens of the country irrespective of their race or religion. Everyone in this country wants peace and happiness and does not want misery.
Racism is ugly. Discrimination based on race is alien to the spirit of the Islamic faith, hence there is no justification for racism.
In fact, no religion promotes racism. It’s just wrong.
Racism and bigotry divide people into “us” and “them” based on one’s race and religion, and it happens when people feel that it’s acceptable to treat or call others derogatorily.
We have failed to admit that human beings are created through the same process, not in a manner in which some are created better than others.
Our blood groups tell us all. If blood of one race can be accepted by a person of another race, how then can we be created different?
There is no space for arrogance and racism in a true Muslim. God tells us that the diversity of life and human beings are all signs of God’s magnificence and there are messages for them to learn about differences, fairness and humility.
The Quran states: “And among His wonders is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your tongues and colours. For in this, behold, there are messages indeed for all who are possessed of innate knowledge!” (Quran 30:22).
It’s “rahmatan lil alamin” (mercy to the worlds) that the religion tells the followers.
The Quran clearly says it: “And We have not sent you (the Prophet), except as a mercy to the worlds.” (21:107)
Mercy and kindness are extended to all humans irrespective of their race or religion.
God made human beings into different tribes and races to be acquainted with one another and to be benevolent. These differences are not wrong, but rather a sign from God.
The Quran says: “Oh men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another.
“Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware” (49:13).
Non-Muslims cannot be ‘trusted’?
The “my race is better than yours” attitude, or false pride in tribalism and racism, has no place in Islam.
Unfortunately some of these problems are of our own making, usually created by some immature politicians and religious people arising from the conflict of ideologies, resulting in people fighting each other over trivial matters. In the process they lose sight of the basic humanity that binds the people together as a single human family.
For peace to prevail in a multi-racial society, the supremacy of humanity over differences in ideology has to be the main concern of these politicians and men of religion.
There can be differences of opinions but they are meant for human beings to achieve progress and happiness through the course of life.
Racist, self-centred approach to politics will certainly disintegrate the nation. Unfortunately, some politicians have this ignoble intention to build their career on a racial playbook.
If this is not nipped in the bud, the nation will go into turmoil if there is a racial mayhem, where not even those staunch effete backers of racial politics will be spared of the pickle.
The hint that non-Muslims cannot be “trusted” to look after the interest of Malays smacks of racism and is offensive. It is meant to inflame and provoke the people into confusion.
This is wide off the mark from the religious point of view as well as the country’s constitution.
For instance, that some incorrigible politicians manipulating on the issue of appointments of capable non-Muslims to positions in the government is highly racist and provocative.
A progressive society’s concern should be more about trustworthiness and a person’s integrity. It’s about what principles a person lives by, and his admirable propensity to contribute to society, and that they serve the country well, regardless of his race or religion.
The Quran says: “Verily, God does command you to render back your trusts to whom they are due.” (4:58).
There isn’t a single verse in the Quran that debases a person’s race in the context of human relations.
The noblest of people in the sight of God are human beings who are sincere, honest and trustworthy.
Moaz Nair is an FMT reader.

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