
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Siswa Kebuluran - Nasib Melayu Makin Malang Di Bawah PH

Some detractors and irresponsible spin doctors say that I highlight negative news. 
This is their spin. To deflect attention from the real situation in the country. 

I merely analyse the news. 
The newspapers write the news. Not me.
I try to analyse what is behind the news. 
Or what causes things to happen. 

Hopefully this Blog has much effect on government and other folks. 

For example  I am informed that Kumpulan Perubatan Johor (KPJ) discussed the article about private medical care and Gleneagles Hospital also responded  to the same.  Other doctors have also been discussing the article. 

Other people may speak about golf, where to find wifey No. 3, lets curse the kafir etc. Well there will be morons. 

I have taken it upon myself to influence the public's opinion - wherever and whenever it may be found. 

Well here is more shocking news. 
Or news that should be shocking. 
But this news does not shock me. 
It is expected. Plus it will get worse. 

Again I do not make the news. 
These things are happening in our country. 
The newspapers report it. 
I can tell you a little bit of the why and the how. 

Ok here is the news. A number of university students are almost starving because they do not have money to buy food.  And  a large majority of them are Malays.  (Err. . what about the poor Indians, poor Ibans, poor Kadazans etc? Chinese? No need to check if they are also hungry? Who gives a shit about them? They are kafir anyway, arent they?)

some Universiti Malaya (UM) students
EAT  one meal, one loaf of bread for two days
students from B40 group
frugal to ensure have something to eat 
extreme budgeting part of their lives

pick cheapest meal available
instant noodles, nasi bujang
rice, egg, soup, sambal belacan, RM2 - RM2.50

UM Malay Studies student, Ilmah ate single meal a day 
Sometimes lecturers cook for poor students
RM5 food coupons, but not everyone gets 
only RM100 per month for food and drinks

Atikah from Kelantan ate only RM1 nasi lemak every day
I prepare boiled eggs on the go
my money goes to paying rent
stay in apartment with nine students 
pay RM267 each, not including electricity, water
owner allows only four people in unit 
we have no choice we don’t have money
lorry driver father made RM500 - RM1,000 a month

Language student Nurfathi ate one meal a day
nasi bujang, bread or RM2 naan
take part in university activities because food (served)
some days I fast
family relied on father’s pension of RM1,200 month

student Aiman borrowed money for RM4 meal
rice, fish, vegetables
three days a week borrow money 

Izzat said  fasts or eats only one meal a day 
he needed at least RM10 per day for food
fellow student quit, financial problems

My comments :  This issue is real and has become a hot topic. 

The Minister of the KPDNDHEPABCDEFG has been moved to issue a statement where he uses the words "saya sendiri", 'saya maklum', 'saya bertemu', 'saya, saya, saya' multiple times.   

Here is a gist of the Minister's obviously 'gila glamour'  statement:



Saya mengambil maklum mahasiswa mengikat perut 
yang dilaporkan oleh media 

Saya sendiri mengarahkan Kementerian meluaskan program Foodbank 

menyalurkan bantuan makanan kepada mahasiswa memerlukan

1. Saya sendiri berjumpa 20 Timbalan Naib Canselor Universiti Awam 
bersetuju mengadakan Foodbank di kampus universiti pada kadar segera

2. Program Foodbank di UKM pada 26/2/2019,  di UM 07/03/2019 

3. UPM, UiTM Pulau Pinang, UMP, USM, UUM, UMS

4. komitmen daripada pasaraya untuk menyumbangkan “food surplus” 

5. komitmen daripada 430 cawangan pasaraya Malaysia untuk “food surplus” untuk disalurkan kepada mahasiswa.

6. Syarikat pasaraya yang bersetuju seperti berikut:

a) Tesco
b) Giant
c) AEON Co 
d) AEON Big
e) NSK
f) TF Value
g) Econsave
h) Hero Market
i) 99 Speedmart 
j) My Family Store 
k) SegiFresh
l) Mydin 
m) LuLu

7. Saya telah bertemu  . . memastikan mahasiswa mendapat “food surplus” pasaraya 

8. Foodbank bersedia beroperasi 

9. untuk merangka Rang Undang-Undang pelaksanaan bank makanan 

10. Saya sendiri secara peribadi  

aspek kelengkapan lori-lori pikap mengambil “food surplus” daripada pasaraya 

mahasiswa lapar amat dekat di hati saya 
saya akan berikan sepenuh masa 

Tarikh: 18 Mac 2019


My comments :  

Sedih. Ini adalah isu yang sangat-sangat menyedihkan. 

Bahawa dalam negara kita yang cukup indah, yang kaya raya dengan sungai, lembah, tanah yang subur, hujan, sinaran matahari 365 hari tanpa putus, angin dan bayu, pantai, lautan, perikanan, penternakan, ladang, sawah,  kebun, minyak dan gas asli, bijeh timah, besi, emas, bauxite  dan yang diberkati dengan hasil tanah, hasil laut, hasil hutan, hasil pembuatan yang begitu banyak dan lumayan, bahawasanya dalam limpahan karunia Allah swt yang begitu banyak ini anak-anak muda kita hampir kebuluran makan nasi kicap atau roti kosong sekali sahaja dalam sehari. 

What a terrible fate.

Dan Menteri   KPDNDHEPABCDEFG pula akan kutip sisa makanan "surplus" daripada pasaraya (kecuali Mydin dan Lulu - kepunyaan mamak - yang selainnya semua adalah kepunyaan kaum kafir) untuk dimasukkan dalam program Foodbank yang akan digunakan untuk memberi makan kepada mahasiswa hampir kebuluran.

Food banks are usually set up to feed the homeless people and the beggars. 
Only in Malaysia foodbanks are being diverted to feed university students. 
Something is terribly wrong in the country.

And where is the Minister of Education? 
What is the Minister of Education doing about feeding the starving students?

Kenapa pula hanya pasaraya (itu pun majoritinya kepunyaan kaum kafir) seperti Tesco (Yahudi UK), NSK, 99 Speedmart, Aeon, Econsave yang sanggup memberi bantuan?

Ke mana pula pergi kaum agama dengan duit lumayan mereka dalam Tabung Palestin, Tabung Jihad, Tabung Rebut Janda, duit baitulmal yang kaya raya, duit zakat yang melimpah ruah, yayasan itu dan yayasan ini semua? 

I have some questions.

What about the other poor people in this country?  

What about the SPM level students and the primary school students who go home and there is not enough food to eat in their houses? 

Or who also eat only nasi kicap, nasi kuah and roti kosong? 
What happens to them? 
Who is going to organise a foodbank for them?

I would like the Ministers to ask these students listed above :  Ilmah, Atikah, Nurfathi, Aiman and Izzat what their families eat at home in Kelantan, Selangor and elsewhere. Are there any Foodbank programs to help out their families?

My congratulations and appreciation to the supermarkets for this great public service.

But how much surplus food and for how long can these kindly supermarkets continue supplying ? 
Surely they cannot just give away their food forever. 
They will go bankrupt.

And what exactly is meant by surplus food? 
Fish and meat that cannot be sold anymore? 
Vegetables that cannot be sold anymore?

Who is going to cook this surplus food for the university students? 

Lets say NSK gives away a load of fish, who is going to clean and cook the fish and then serve it to the starving students?

Ok so the Ministry of Finance is going to finance lorries and pick up trucks. 
How many trucks? 
Who will drive them? 

From the supermarkets where do they deliver or send the surplus food? 
At the receiving point are there refrigerators to store the food? 
Who is going to buy the refrigerators? 
(Someone is going to get a big contract?)

Who will cook the food? 
Student volunteers? 
They have to rush in between classes. 
They have to study. 
They have to go for ceramah agama.

How exactly are you going to organise this on a regular basis?

My reading is this is a stop gap measure that will ultimately fail. 
How can you continuously feed thousands of starving university students all over the country using 'surplus food' donated by supermarkets? 
Ini adalah kerja sia-sia. 
It will eventually not work. 

What is the solution?  
The solution is you must increase the disposable income of their parents and their families.  That is the real solution.

Other options may be flexible scheduling for students so that they can work part time and earn some extra money. 

The government MUST subsidise campus cafeterias and canteens where students with Student Passes Only can eat affordable and nourishing meals. 

Do not wait for the B40 students to come looking for help.
The universities must GO OUT AND HUNT THEM DOWN. 
And sort them out. 

Did you know that Buddhist temples frequently serve vegetarian meals for as little as RM3 per meal (rice with three vegetables).  Sometimes someone 'underwrites' the food and the Buddhist temple serves the food for free.

There is a larger picture here. 
Whether under the BN or under the Pakatan Harapan there is no difference to the ordinary person on the street.

For the Malays and the bumiputras and the poor in the country there seems to be no change to their fate, despite there being a new government.

In fact, looking at stories like these starving university students, their fate is getting worse. More on this later.

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