
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 26, 2019


THE Automobile Association of Malaysia (AAM) was struck off as a sports association without even being suspended first, raising suspicion over the move as another organisation attempts to be the country’s ultimate motoring authority.
Chairman Mudzaffar Mustapha told The Malaysian Insight the association received a letter on November 30, 2018 from the sports commissioner saying that AAM had been de-registered.
“We were not suspended. But on November 30, 2018 , we received a letter saying that the sports commissioner had de-registered us,”   Mudzaffar told The Malaysian Insight.
Sports Commissioner Zaiton Othman reportedly said the decision to de-register AAM was made after it allegedly failed to submit its annual reports and amend its constitution.

“We have met with the sports commissioner to brief on AAM’s situation and the process to update the constitution… which needs to be tabled at the AGM to get members’ approval… a normal procedure…”
The move against AAM raises questions following new revelations that Putrajaya had lobbied to the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM) for the Motorsports Association of Malaysia (MAM) to take over the association’s role as the country’s authority in motorsports.
Mudzaffar also said it was unprecedented for an affiliate to be wanting to take over the power of the national federation.
He was referring to Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman’s letter to the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM) in September to seek its recognition of MAM as the governing Federation of Motorcycliste Nationale (FMN) – or National Auto Sports Authority (ASN) – for Malaysia.
Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman has recognised MAM as the country's governing motorsports body. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, March 26, 2019.
Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman has recognised MAM as the country’s governing motorsports body. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, March 26, 2019.
The letter sighted by The Malaysian Insight also stated that MAM has the full backing of the ministry for its application to become a member of FIM.
Asked if there had been any engagement with FIM following the letter from the ministry, Mudzaffar said the association was asked to give its stance.
“The FIM had requested for our comments. We replied that it was unprecedented for an affiliate to take over the power of the national federation.
“For the FIM, any such move requires a procedure of due diligence (to be conducted) by the FIM Board and if (there is ) merits (to it, a) decision can only be decided at the FIM AGM , where 120 delegates will vote. This is in accordance with the FIM statutes. The same applies for the FIA.”
However, there had been no further engagement since.
He said the main contention was that the constitution governs the mobility division whereas the motorsports division is governed by the AAM National Competition Rule (NCR).
This, he said, was not totally outdated for it to be amended.
“The AAM constitution was written more towards the mobility business that handles membership of AAM whereas for motorsports, AAM already has in place the NCR, approved by the world body.
“This serves as the framework of how motorsport is governed in the country.”
“Constitution is applicable to the mobility side, whereas the NCR, which complies with the FIA/FIM statutes becomes the parameter of the Malaysian Motorsport structure. It’s a complete sort of SOP (standard operating procedure).”
The AAM says it is unprecedented for an affiliate to take over as the country's top motorsport authority. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, March 26, 2019.
The AAM says it is unprecedented for an affiliate to take over as the country’s top motorsport authority. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, March 26, 2019.
The AAM NCR provides the mechanism and structure on how motorsports is governed in Malaysia and sets the parameters of how things are run.
There is also the motorsports committee comprising affiliates and promoters.
“It’s not like the constitution is totally outdated, as the main contention – the motorsport matters are outlined in detail in the NCR,” he said.
Further to AAM’s discussion with the sports commissioner, the association had also organised a town hall session with affiliates and promoters on November 20 to discuss plans and to restructure policies pertaining to motorsports in Malaysia.
“These plans were agreed and accepted by the delegates as it is a big step forward in restructuring motorsports. The MSC was already in place in adherence to the FIA/ FIM statutes, and enshrined in the NCR of the AAM, but with a more enlarged and transparent implementation to be driven by the affiliates/promoters, with no involvement of the top officials of the AAM committee.
“In other words, it is the affiliates’ members who would set this revamped body. Of course, all affiliates are happy that they will be the ones who set the new plans and policy in compliance with the statutes of the FIA/FIM.”
AAM maintained that it will continue its responsibilities and role as the ASN.
“Until and unless decided otherwise, there cannot be a vacuum. As such, the AAM will still continue to issue licenses, insurance, sanction events as required of us according to the statutes of the FIA/ FIM.”
Malaysiakini quoted Syed Saddiq as saying that AAM has been suspended by the sports commissioner for consistently breaching the provisions of the Sports Development Act.

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