
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, March 7, 2019

Suhakam Inquiry - A Dangerous Chapter In Malaysia

SUHAKAM wrap-up inquiry into Raymond Koh, Amri Che Mat 
lawyers contend police involved in both cases

inconsistencies in police statements 
June 2017 shootout in Kedah, IGP linked to Koh’s abduction.
press release by Kedah police stated drug smuggler killed,  no mention of  pastor

two incidents “red herring” to divert scrutiny away from police
Lam another red herring, IGP Khalid already exonerated him 
conclusion : police did not want this to come out in Suhakam inquiry
they were involved themselves, Gomez told inquiry

Bukit Aman maintained link between Kedah shootout to Koh's abduction
did not address Lam’s abduction charge

Bukit Aman told Suhakam police monitored Amri prior to disappearance
Amri monitored before abduction -  police involved 
Nov 21, 22, 23 police surveillance outside his house 

Amri’s abduction on Nov 24, 2016.
one month before disappearance, (Police) met with Perlis mufti Asri  
Nov 6 police speech warning about Syiah Islam

Amri’s wife Norhayati Mohd Arrifin’s testimony 
informed by Perlis SB officer Mohd Shamzaini Mohd Daud 
that police involved in both   Amri and Koh’s disappearances

Bukit Aman stressed Shamzaini lodged police report against Norhayati
denying he ever relayed such information to her
Shamzaini vehemently denied before Suhakam 
Today last chance for all parties to present cases 
Suhakam commissioners Mah Weng Kwai, Aishah Bidin, Nik Salida Suhaila 
panel will present its findings on April 3

these cases were enforced disappearances she said
enforced disappearance by agents of state, authorisation, support of state

Amri’s wife believed her lawyers’ version of events
more than two years, police have not met us to give any information 

My comments :

What about that other missing couple Pastor Joshua Hilmy and his wife Ruth who have also gone missing since November 2016? 

How come Suhakam has not included them in this inquiry?

Suhakam has to handle this case very, very carefully and urgently.

There is now a disturbing and increasing level of vigilante violence in Malaysia  in these so called "religion" linked cases.  

This morning another video has gone viral.   The video shows a non Muslim fellow  (a Sarawakian??)  who is obviously being bullied by some self appointed vigilantes in relation to a case of 'insulting Islam'.  

The  video has gone viral. I am quite sure this type of video will create a reaction among the non-Muslim Sarawakians  (or Christian Sarawakian community).  

Why have not the Police met either Pastor Koh's family or Amri Che Mat's family at all (in two years) to give them any update on the case of their husband / fathers' disappearances?

Is this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in abduction cases? 
Where the Police simply do not meet the next of kin of the abducted persons for two years?  

Amri Che Mat was abducted outside his  home or near his home on Nov 24, 2016.
From the Suhakam inquiry, Police had kept his house under surveillance on 21, 22 and 23 November 2016.
Where was the Police surveillance team on the 24th November 2016?
Why was the Police surveillance team withdrawn on 24th Nov, 2016?
Which Police Officer ordered the surveillance on 21, 22, 23 Nov 2016?
Which Police officer cancelled the surveillance on 24th Nov, 2016?
Why was this officer NOT called by the Suhakam inquiry ?

Who were the members of the surveillance teams?
How come they were NOT called to the Suhakam inquiry?

What did the Police discuss with the mufti of Perlis?
Why wasnt the mufti called to the Suhakam inquiry?
Is the Suhakam really serious about doing this job? 

The abduction of Pastor Koh was done in military precision.
He was abducted by a large team of men -  easily more than 10 were involved.
One of the men was videotaping the abduction. 
It appeared that that was his only role - to  video tape the  abduction.

In both cases no  ransom demands were made.
In both cases no one or group claimed responsibility for the abductions.

The abduction of Pastor Koh, Amri Che Mat, the disappearance of Joshua Hilmy and his wife Ruth, the present state of increasing vigilante violence against alleged 'religious insults' etc is not something that belongs in the 21st century.  And certainly not in Malaysia.

The Suhakam has an extremely simple  job - just find out the truth.
Suhakam need only summon the correct people to be questioned  and  then  ask them the right questions.

Why wasnt that Police surveillance team called to the Inquiry?
Whay wasnt the mufti of Perlis  called?

These are very dangerous precedents being set in this country.
These criminal  activities must stop. No  more  such behaviour.

The culprits behind these criminal acts must be brought to justice.
Even if it means a few busloads of them are involved. 

As I have said before - there is no sense of good values in the country.
There are  either no values or an upside down value system in the country.

The SUHAKAM is the last remaining hope for justice in these abductions.
Please do not fall down on your job.

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