
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, March 24, 2019

The MACC Should Reveal The Recording On The Penang Undersea Tunnel Interrogation

Can the MACC distract Malaysians from the Penang undersea tunnel scandal by keeping the RM1.4 million story alive? Even more important, can the RM1.4 million story help PKR or Pakatan Harapan win the Rantau by-election? Probably not but then they have no other issues to use anyway so they might as well play up the RM1.4 million story and see what happens.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
The Penang undersea tunnel scandal is really hurting DAP. They are at a loss as to what to do and the longer the silence the more damage they suffer. But then how do you counter something that is the truth? The documents are there and cannot be disputed. The only way they can dispute those documents is to reveal the recording of the interrogation — if, that is, the documents are fake.
Yes, when interrogating Zarul Ahmad Mohd Zulkifli, the MACC recorded it. What the MACC does not know is whether Malaysia Today also has a copy of that recording. If Malaysia Today can get its hands on the entire file, is it not possible for Malaysia Today to also gets its hands on the recording?
Hence, to declare that the documents are fake is very risky since the recording will prove they are not.

Zarul told the MACC he bribed Guan Eng and a number of other DAP leaders and that Guan Eng owns 10% of the project

The MACC cannot dispute the authenticity of the documents which Malaysia Today revealed in the ten episodes (WHICH YOU CAN READ BELOW). What if they do and suddenly Malaysia Today publishes the recording on YouTube? That would be a major disaster of epic proportions. So, it is safer to just keep quiet and say nothing.
But the MACC cannot just keep quiet and say nothing entirely. If they do not dare roar like a lion, then at least they must squeak like a mouse. Hence, they are squeaking by making a police report regarding documents protected by the Official Secrets Act (OSA) being leaked.
So, a crime under the OSA has been committed. The police must investigate how classified documents got into the hands of Malaysia Today. Pretend the MACC is outraged and demand action be taken against the criminals or criminals.

Justo is a hero even though he stole data from his employer

But hold on. When Rafizi Ramli, Tony Puah, Clare Rewcastle Brown, Xavier Andre Justo, etc., did the same thing they are called heroes and whistle-blowers. When Malaysia Today does it, they are investigated and interrogated like criminals. How to justify the double-standards?
Furthermore, the last time Bukit Aman sent a team of officers to interrogate Raja Petra Kamarudin and take his statement, the people he accused have today been arrested and charged and are awaiting trial for corruption and abuse of power. So, interrogating Raja Petra can backfire, like the last time.

Guan Eng is a dead man walking

In fact, Raja Petra has contacted Bukit Aman to ask them to confirm the time and date they wish to meet in London (or Kuala Lumpur) to record his statement. How come Raja Petra is too eager to sing like a canary? What is he up to? Is this a trap? What is there to stop him from revealing what questions the police asked and what his replies were?

Of course, the police can always caution him that whatever is discussed in the room is classified and is not to be revealed. But what if Raja Petra still reveals it? What can the police do about it? Crimes under the Official Secrets Act committed on Malaysian soil do not apply to British soil. And Malaysian Embassies and High Commissions are Malaysian soil.
Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma!

How long can the MACC continue to protect Guan Eng and the DAP leaders?

Meanwhile, while they ponder on what to do — which is very little, really — they need to distract Malaysians to focus on other things. The latest distraction, of course, is the scuffle yesterday where Superman Hew got his boys to provoke an Umno event.
This same thing happened back on 11 May 1969 and that resulted in the infamous May 13 race riots. Yesterday’s incident was nothing and nowhere close to 11 May 1969, but the DAP people want to make it appear like it was a major event. Actually, not many Malaysians were aware of the incident but because DAP is making it into a big thing now many more Malaysians know about it.
Terima kasih, DAP. You have been a great help. You turned a molehill into a mountain and suddenly Lokman Noor Adam is seen as a pendekar to the Malays. Well, DAP has its Superman Hew, and Umno has its Lokman Adam. Fair, what!

Superman Hew got his boys to provoke Umno yesterday

The MACC is trying to keep the RM1.4 million story alive by announcing they are considering to call the PAS President, Tok Guru Abdul Hadi Awang, in for questioning.
Actually, the MACC has already questioned 24 people and have checked the bank statements, cheque buds, and so on, of everyone but they have found nothing. Rameli Musa’s own nephew has confirmed the MACC found nothing to implicated Hadi to the RM1.4 million that Rameli paid Clare Rewcastle Brown.
Lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu announced that the RM1.4 million was an out-of-court settlement payment. The out-of-court settlement agreement lodged with the London court says there are no costs involved. So, what really is that RM1.4 million for?
When Clare’s lawyer approached Hadi’s lawyer in early 2018 to propose an out-of-court settlement, Hadi said no. One year later, in early 2019, Clare’s lawyer approached Hadi’s lawyer again — and, since GE14 was over, Hadi agreed. There was no need for the suit anymore anyway.
The matter ding-donged between the two lawyers for a while and finally an agreement was reached. Both sides must just stand down and no costs involved. The agreement was signed and lodged with the London court and the matter ended there.

Anwar blundered big-time when he revealed that Rameli paid Clare RM1.4 million

Suddenly, during the Semenyih by-election, Anwar Ibrahim revealed there is another agreement signed between Clare and Rameli Musa saying that the out-of-court settlement is RM1.4 million. Why between Clare and Rameli? It should be between Clare and Hadi. Rameli is not a party to the suit.
It seems the RM1.4 million is a pay-off to Clare. But they need to ‘clean’ the money so they disguised it as payment for an out-of-court settlement. That way the money can be transferred to the UK with no questions asked. But then Anwar went and revealed the matter so now Clare, Rameli and Americk are implicated in money-laundering. What a mess!
Can the MACC distract Malaysians from the Penang undersea tunnel scandal by keeping the RM1.4 million story alive? Even more important, can the RM1.4 million story help PKR or Pakatan Harapan win the Rantau by-election? Probably not but then they have no other issues to use anyway so they might as well play up the RM1.4 million story and see what happens.

Syabas, Lokman!

They will also try to play up the story of Lokman roughing up some DAP Chinese boys of Superman Hew. Actually, that will just turn Lokman into a hero and when he goes to Rantau to campaign in the by-election many Malays will want to shake his hand and hug him. I, for one, will hug Lokman if I ever get to meet him somehow.

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