
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, March 18, 2019

Untuk Makluman Brader Anwar : Your BFF Erdogan Has Deported 12 Ikhwan Muslimin Boys Back To Egypt.

*Turki menahan 12 orang pemuda Ikhwan untuk diserahkan ke MESIR*

TURKI menahan 12 Ikhwan untuk menghantar mereka ke MESIR 

TURKI usir 12 Ikhwanul Muslimin kerana melanggar peraturan permastautin 
sebilangan daripadanya menyertai organisasi pengganas jihad

Mesir telah jatuhkan hukum mati terhadap 9 Ikhwan terlibat pembunuhan 

manakala selebihnya telah melarikan diri keluar dari MESIR
Permohonan bagi menangkap mereka melalui Interpol
sebilangan besar menetap di QATAR, TURKI 
Mustaffa Abdel Hamid, 25  melarikan diri ke TURKI 

Turki menahan mereka termasuklah Amru Akashah
berkahwin dengan gadis TURKI bekerja dgn pegawai kanan TURKI
pemuda unsur keganasan ini dijatuhi penjara umur hidup (di Mesir)

kumpulan ini gesa Ikhwanul Muslimin campur tangan 

dan halang pengusiran pemuda Ikhwan 
lancarkan kempen gesa pemimpin Ikhwan campur tangan dengan TURKI 
bagi melepaskan rakan-rakan mereka dan menghalang pengusiran

penghinaan kepada Ikhwanul Muslimin
Turki sahkan kumpulan itu menyelinap masuk melalui jalan tikus

pengusiran kumpulan ini sama seperti yang berlaku di MALAYSIA

My comments :

A fellow was at the track on Sunday to watch the horses racing. He was just having fun. Then the devil came and whispered to him to bet on the horses.  "Go ahead, you can win big".  Sure enough he listened to the devil. In no time he picked a horse. 

As he was going to place his bet an angel appeared and said,  "Dont you listen to the devil. Dont you bet on that horse. You will lose your money". He stopped for a moment.  

Then the devil came back and told him, 'Dont listen to the angel. He just wants you to be poor. Go ahead. Place your bet".  So he placed his bet and sure enough he lost. The devil disappeared. 

The angel reappeared. 'I told you not to listen to the devil. You should have listened to me. My horse won." 

The moral of the story is 'do not gamble'?  Never listen to the devil? Even angels bet on horses?  

Many decades ago someone decided to gamble. 
He decided to bet on the horses.
His horse was called the Muslim Brotherhood aka the Ikhwanul Muslimeen. 

The Muslim Brotherhood was a weird horse. The Brotherhood was long on scheming to survive but very short on being useful to the human race.  Their survival was completely due to scheming and plotting. Never because they represented the forces of good in the universes. 

The Brotherhood was running on a different track.  The Brotherhood really, truly and completely believed that there once existed a horse that had four wings which could fly off into the night, take you to heaven and back.  They really believed those stories.

That was the type of race track the Muslim Brotherhood was running on.  They are  delusional. 

Hence the Muslim Brotherhood was bound to fail, and fail they have. Quite miserably.

Today the last remaining bastion of the Brotherhood's survival are Qatar, Hamas in Gaza, Turkey and (still) some opportunists in Malaysia. All the result of scheming and plotting from decades ago.  

Because of their support of the Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar is under an embargo by Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf countries. They have declared the Brotherhood a terrorist organisation.

Their country of birth Egypt sentences them to death. 
According to this story even Turkey is now kicking them out. 
The Brotherhood has nowhere to go.  

The people who are really squeezing their nuts are Saudi Arabia. The Saudis feel threatened by the Muslim Brotherhood's influence and the simple fact that the Muslim Brotherhood does not believe in the Saudi monarchs.

Plus the Saudis are now dependent on the Israelis who really do not like Hamas in the Gaza. The Israelis see the destruction of the Muslim Brotherhood as critical to getting fid of the Hamas in the Gaza.  

It is perhaps safer to ask the angel, 'Ok so which horse should I bet on?'
It is more safer not to gamble at all. 
Or maybe look for another devil.

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