
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 29, 2019

After Dividing PKR, Mahathir Now Divides Umno, Again

So, yes, at the end of the day it will all boil down to race and religion. But then this is politics and in love and war anything and everything is fair, even race and religion politics. There is no such thing as rules of the game, as DAP has taught us. You use all the weapons you can find to win the war. And the current political situation in Malaysia is certainly a state of war — war between the Malays and non-Malays.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
PKR is badly divided between the Anwar Ibrahim camp and the Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad camp. Now Umno is split into three with the Mahathir camp, the Anwar camp, and the Najib Tun Razak camp.
And this is not the first time Umno is divided. It divided in 1951. It divided in 1969. It divided in 1987. It divided in 1998. It divided in 2006. And it divided in 2015. Six splits in 64 years or roughly an average of one split every ten years.
And each time, other than in 1951, Mahathir was the cause of the split.

Lokman Adam is under attack for attacking Mahathir’s agents in Umno 

Umno supreme council member Lokman Noor Adam lodged a complaint with the Umno disciplinary board about the meeting between Umno’s Hishammuddin Tun Hussein and PKR’s Azmin Ali two months ago. It was not the meeting itself that Lokman found offensive but the reason for the meeting.
The reason for the meeting was to try to get at least 30 Umno members of parliament to support Mahathir in the event Anwar tries to oust the Prime Minister on or before May 2020. The meeting not only failed to get the required 30 Umno MPs to swing to Mahathir but what was supposed to be a clandestine meeting was revealed by Malaysia Today within minutes that the meeting started and the press rushed to Azmin’s house in Putrajaya to catch everyone with their pants down.
So the cat is now out of the bag. Mahathir suspects that Anwar is making his move on him and he is getting his agents in PKR and Umno, Azmin and Hishammuddin respectively, to gather the troops. With PAS behind him, if Mahathir can get half of PKR and Umno, plus half of Sabah and Sarawak, behind him as well, Mahathir can stay as Prime Minister beyond May 2020.

Umno, just like PKR, is a battleground in the Mahathir-Anwar power struggle

But the result is PKR, Umno, Sabah and Sarawak are badly divided, worse for Umno which is split into three. This augurs well for Mahathir because if he cannot get everyone behind him, like PAS is, then at least divide everyone so that the other side also cannot get solid support.
And that is what is happening in Umno today. We have some in Umno with PAS, some with Najib, some with Anwar, and some with Mahathir. So Umno will never rise again and if this continues then Umno is going to see the end of its days.
Is Umno finished? Not yet but it is heading that way because of Mahathir and Anwar. Umno is a battleground for Mahathir and Anwar, and as Mat Sabu said, when the elephants and elephants fight the grass gets trampled and dies. And in this case Umno is the grass, not one of the elephants.
Hishammuddin is trying to form a backdoor government comprising Umno, PKR and PPBM
That may not be totally bad though because for every loser there will always be a winner. And when Umno loses then PAS wins.
The Malays need a home. In the past it used to be Umno. Then along came Mahathir’s PPBM, which is seen as a running dog or kuda for the Chinese from DAP. So that leaves only PAS. If Umno dies and is buried then the Malays need to turn to PAS for protection from the DAP Chinese.
So, yes, at the end of the day it will all boil down to race and religion. But then this is politics and in love and war anything and everything is fair, even race and religion politics. There is no such thing as rules of the game, as DAP has taught us. You use all the weapons you can find to win the war. And the current political situation in Malaysia is certainly a state of war — war between the Malays and non-Malays.

Mahathir’s agents in Umno and PKR

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