
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 20, 2019

Clarification About KL Summit - Only One Dinner, Erdogan Missed It.

Image result for KL Summit dinner

Hi folks. Some people have criticised me for saying that Erdogan missed the official dinner for the KL Summit. They say it was not the official dinner.

I received the info from a source who is involved with the KL Summit. 

Therefore I have since received the program for the KL Summit. 

In this program there is only ONE official dinner - on the night of Wednesday 18th December. I have highlighted it in red below. This is the one that Erdogan missed. There is no other dinner on the schedule. 

I have one other point at the end.

“Leading the Revival of Islamic Civilisation”


We have heard the oft-repeated quote attributed to the 19th century Egyptian scholar and jurist, Muhammad 'Abduh, who once said : "I went to the West and saw Islam, but no Muslims; I got back to the East and saw Muslims, but no Islam."

It is but a stark reminder of our failings, our inability to live by the basic tenets of Islam, of making Islam ad-deen, our way of life.

Muslims nations are in the extremes - we have rich nations far richer than the richest and poor ones that are poorer than the poorest.

For far too long we have been associated with bad governance, endemic corruption and a breeding place for terrorism.

Such is the state of affairs among our nations that Muslims end up in the shores of nations Governed by those from other faiths and our brethren's fate rest solely at their mercy.

The KL Summit will be known as The Perdana Foundation for Civilisational Dialogue (Perdana Dialogue) starting from January 2020.

At the KL Summit we frankly deliberate these issues and find new and workable solutions to problems afflicting Muslims.

Guided by a comprehensive contemporary understanding towards the achievement of the highest values of Islam and the sovereignty of Ummah.

It is in the exchanging of our knowledge and experience that we will be able to pick and choose what is best for our own case, for our own countries.

We have always reflected on how great, enriching and powerful the Islamic civilisation was. It is a chapter in history and we yearn for its return. It will remain a yearning unless we do something about it !

The Role of Development in Achieving National Sovereignty

Date: 18h-21st December 2019 Venue : Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur

Organizing Committee :

Chair by : H.E Tan Sri Samsudin Osman

Attendance: 450 Muslim Leaders, Thinkers, Intellectuals and Scholars

The following topics will be discussed:

Round Table discussion :

1. Development priorities and challenges
2. The Role of Politics in Development

Special Session :

“Why Education is The Key to National Development?”
Plenary Session

1. “Redistribution of Wealth – Shared Prosperity”
2. “Food Security”
3. “Advance High-Tech”
4. “Preservation of National Identity”
5. “National Harmony Policies


18th DECEMBER 2019 Wednesday 

1200 – 1800 Registration of Foreign Speakers and Participants

2000 Arrival of Guests/Dignitaries 2010 Arrival of His Excellency Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid, Deputy Chairman of Kuala Lumpur Summit

2015 Photo Session

National Anthem of Malaysia, Negaraku

Welcoming Address by Secretary General of Kuala Lumpur Summit

Welcoming Address by His Excellency Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid, Deputy Chairman of Kuala Lumpur Summit


19th DECEMBER 2019 Thursday


0930 Arrival of Guests/ Dignitaries 0940 Arrival of Secretary General of Kuala Lumpur 

Summit 0945 Arrival of His Excellencies
Deputies Chairman of Kuala Lumpur Summit

0950  Arrival of His Excellency The Hon. His Excellency YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia & Chairman of Kuala Lumpur

0955 Arrival of His Majesty Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin
AlMustafa Billah, Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia

1000  Photo Session

National Anthem of Malaysia, Negaraku

Welcoming Note by His Majesty Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin AlMustafa Billah, Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia

Address by Secretary General of Kuala Lumpur Summit 

Address by HRH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad alThani – Emir of Qatar

Address by H.E Imran Khan – Prime Minister of Pakistan

Address by H.E Jokowi Widodo – President of Indonesia

Address by H.E Receb Tayyib Erdogan – President of Turkey

Keynote address by YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia & Chairman of Kuala Lumpur Summit

1300 - 1400 Lunch and Zohor Prayer

1st Round Table Session :

“The Priority of Development & the challenges” "اھتایدحتو ةیمنتلل تایولولأا" Moderator : 


H.E Dato’ Saifuddin bin Abdullah

Main Speaker : H.E Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad

Question and Answer

1500 – 1800

2nd Round Table Session :

“The Role of Politics in Development” ةیمنتلا قیقحتلل ةیسایسلا رود
Moderator : Moderator from Kuala Lumpur Summit

Speaker 01 : Speaker from Malaysia

BERSATU : YAB Dato’ Seri Mukhriz Tun Mahathir

Speaker 02 : Speaker from Turkey

AK Party : H.E Numan Kurtulmus

Speaker 03 : Speaker from Palestine

HAMAS : H.E Khaled Meshaal

Speaker 04 : Speaker from Pakistan

PTI Party : H.E Shah Mehmood Qureshi

Speaker 05 : Speaker from Tunisia

ElNahda Party : H.E Rached al Ghannoushi

Speaker 07 : Speaker from Malaysia

PKR : H.E YBM Puan Zuraida Kamarudin

Question and Answer

20th DECEMBER 2019 Friday

0900 – 1000

Special Session : “Why Education is The Key to National Development?”
Speaker : HRH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser
Deputy Chairman KL Summit

1000 – 1100

Speaker : Malaysia : YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali

Plenary Session 1 : “ Redistribution of wealth – Shared Prosperity”
Minister Economic Affairs of Malaysia

Question and Answer

1100 - 1200

Speaker : Qatar : H.E Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al Thani

Plenary Session 2 : “ Food Security ”

Former Prime Minister State of Qatar

Question and Answer

1200 – 1300

Speaker : Pakistan : H.E Zubaida Jalal

Minister of Defence Production of Pakistan

Plenary Session 3 : “ Advance High-Tech ”

Question and Answer 1300 - 1430 Jumaat Prayer and Lunch

1430 - 1600

Plenary Session 4 : “Preservation of national identity ”

Speaker : Turkey : H.E Berat AlBayrak
Minister Finance and Treasury of Turkey Question and Answer

1600 - 1700

Speaker : Indonesia : H.E Kiai Ma’ruf Amin
Vice President of Indonesia
Plenary Session 5 : “National Harmony Policies”
Question and Answer

21st DECEMBER 2019 Saturday

0900 - 1100

Tan Sri Dr. Jemilah Mahmood – Malaysian Activist 
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar – Malaysian Businessman 
Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz – Malaysian Politician Nik Noor Amani – Nasa Scientist

Success Stories :

1100 – 1230

Declaration of Kuala Lumpur 2019

Closing Session :

Moderator : Moderator from Kuala Lumpur Summit

Resolution of Kuala Lumpur Summit 2019

Closing note by The Hon. H.E Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Closing note by HRH Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur- Lah

Press Conference

1230 - 1300 Meeting of Kuala Lumpur Summit Steering Committee

My comments : 

Believe me this KL Summit will not go anywhere. 

There have been the usual wild horse ideas that have been proposed like :

1. one currency for all the Islamic countries. 
2. cryptocurrency for Islamic countries
3. gold dinar for Islamic countries

Err . . . salam Pak Tuan. Tetapi idea macam ini mengikut buku teks ekonomi atau economic principle yang mana satu? 

These people just do not know what they are talking about. That is why the Islamic countries are in deep shit. Their leaders float these childish and non-starter ideas. 

No one made more practical proposals for example - how about the men getting a clean shave every morning? 

There is nothing in the Quran that says men should not shave. 

The idea not to shave is found in the Old Testament of the Bible :  "You shall not round off the hair on your temples or mar the edges of your beard." Leviticus 21:5

It is not a Quranic teaching at all.

Then there are more wild horse ideas :

1. “Redistribution of Wealth – Shared Prosperity” 
5. National Harmony Policies

Redistribution of  wealth means the Muslims do not need to work hard. 

They just take other peoples money (non Muslim money) and redistribute it among the Muslims. 

For example the non Muslims pay taxes. So they take the taxes paid by the non Muslims and dish it out as subsidies to the Muslims. The non Muslims get very little of these subsidies. Muslims pay zakat but the Muslims say the zakat CANNOT be shared with the non Muslims. This is also part of "redistributing wealth - shared prosperity".  Tuan-tuan idea macam ini kepala hotak syaitan pun kalah.

So Muslims do not need to work hard. As long as there are non Muslims who work and pay taxes etc, then just redistribute the wealth.

Or impose APs, licenses, permits, equity restrictions (non Muslims must have a Muslim business partner, 30% shares of non Muslim companies must be reserved for Muslims etc) - these are all redistributing wealth policies that has made the Muslims lazy, lazy, lazy.

National harmony policies are much easier to explain. Kill the shias, kill the Kurdish people, kill the non Salafis, jail the shias, jail the non ahlul sunnah, kill the minorities, harass the minorities, kill the sunnis (as the case may be in Iraq, Iran etc), harass the sunnis) etc.

This pretty much sums up "national harmony policies" in many of these islamic countries. 

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