
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Dong Jiao Zong, Chinese NGOs insist no Jawi lessons for Std Four pupils

Seventeen Chinese NGOs led by Dong Zong and Jiao Zong (collectively known as the Dong Jiao Zong) are adamant that the government should cancel the teaching of Jawi script in Bahasa Malaysia Standard Four textbooks in vernacular schools next year.
"We urge the government to listen to the voices on the ground, by cancelling (its plan) to include Jawi script in the Bahasa Malaysia Standard Four textbooks," said Dong Zong president Tan Tai Kim (above) after a two-hour meeting between the groups at a restaurant in Kajang, three kilometres away from New Era University College.
Tan read out the joint statement on behalf of the 17 groups, which had initially planned to organise the "Chinese Organisations Joint Conference" at the university today.
The conference was called off after police obtained a court injunction against it. 

Tan, however, said the groups did not object to the Bahasa Malaysia Standard Five syllabus that has lessons on khat, Chinese and Tamil calligraphies in vernacular schools.
"We urge the Education Ministry to conduct a dialogue with Chinese educationist groups as soon as possible," he said.
Meanwhile, Jiao Zong chairperson Ong Chiow Chuen said the groups should also discuss the issue with political parties from both sides of the divide.
[More to follow]  - Mkini

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