
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dr Mahathir Gets 'Buggered' : Erdogan Skips Opening Dinner of KL Summit and Instead Hosts Dinner for . . . .

This is a major slap in the face for Dr Mahathir.  

On the opening night of the KL Summit, Turkish president Erdogan has skipped dinner with Dr Mahathir and has hosted dinner for Anwar Ibrahim instead at the Turkish Embassy.

Anwar has uploaded the dinner with Erdogan on his FB page. Here it is : 

Dear Dr Mahathir,  it looks like you have been 'buggered' by both Pakistan's Imran Khan and now Turkey's Erdogan.

Imran has basically snubbed your invitation to the KL Summit by cancelling his attendance. He cares more about what the Saudis say than what you say. 

You only gave Imran Khan a Chinese made car called the X 70. 
Saudi Arabia gave Pakistan USD6 billion (RM25.2 Billion). 
Pakistan has troops in Saudi Arabia which not only get killed in Yemen but they also form the Saudi Royal bodyguard.
So no comparison lah.

Say what you want but it is Erdogan who has gone out of his way to thumb his nose at you.

Erdogan came all the way out here, skipped dinner with you on opening night of the KL Summit and instead hosted dinner for Anwar Ibrahim at the Turkish Embassy.

If its any consolation Anwar Ibrahim did not run uninvited to the Turkish Embassy today - like he did once before.

He just went for dinner. 

Dr Mahathir, Erdogan is Muslim Brotherhood. Ikhwan Muslimin. You are not.
You are the outsider.

If you ask your boys they should tell you how many times I have been telling you do not hang out with these leaders from these countries.   Donald Trump labels them  _ _ ithole countries.

This is the type of commitment you get from them. This is their "Islamic" unity.

What a slap in the face. Both Imran Khan and Erdogan have left you standing - on opening night of your KL Summit. 

Here is something written just this afternoon by a former senior Civil Servant (during your tenure) :

"The KL Summit is already a failure before it starts. Instead of trying to unite the Muslim countries Tun M should spend more time on uniting Malaysians"

This is sound advice.  There is so much that is going wrong here in Malaysia. You are wasting your precious time chasing useless pursuits (the 'islamic unity' crap is an obvious example.)

The country and the economy are going down the tubes. 

Someone says the absolute unemployment numbers is 3.0 MILLION people or more !!

In the smaller towns and kampongs 18 year old school leavers (who do not qualify for higher education) are just sitting at home doing nothing. 

University graduates are doing manual labourer work, delivery boys etc. 

Dear sir, you have lost your focus.

1 comment:

  1. Mahathir and his penchant for grandiose has no boundaries. As if people out there do not know how scheming, vindictive and Machiavellian he can be. You do not follow as he says down the road you go. Always holding people at ransom and talks with sarcasm (loyar buruk). Act as if !


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