
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 26, 2019



1 - Starting few years ago, doktor yg dah tamat tempoh housemanship yg penuh penyiksaan selama 2 tahun atau lebih, dah tak dijamin utk menerima lantikan tetap dalam government. That means they all tak layak utk apply for master programme & getting other benefits like their other colleagues.

2 - Elaun kritikal dipotong utk lantikan baru 2020. So, adik2 yg start keje as doctors, nurses & MAs next year, total pendapatan depa less RM750 (utk doktor) than their senior colleagues. Katanya, kerja doktor, nurse & MA ni dah tak kritikal sbb dah terlampau ramai. Are u kidding me?? If you don’t have enough money to pay us, just admit it.

3 - Elaun oncall utk doktor:-

MO biasa:- Weekdays: RM13.30/hour (15 hrs)
                    Weekends & PH: RM9.20/hour (24 hrs)

Pakar:- Weekdays: RM15.30/hour (15 hrs)
              Weekends & PH: RM10.40/hour (24 hrs)
Locum at Klinik Kesihatan / Emergency Dept Hospitals: RM80/hour

Cheap labour right? Even lorry drivers get more than that.

4 - Starting this year, those doctors who are applying for master programme utk jadi pakar, need to pay RM800 to sit for pre-entrance exam. Tahun2 sebelum ni cuma RM150 je. Are they starting to make profits out of it???

5 - Dah habis master programme, most of us doctors kena posting wajib di Sabah/Sarawak. Means, kene berjauhan dgn family for months/years. Tiada kompromi. One of the reasons kenapa saya masih serba salah utk further my career.

6 - Doctors, nurses & MAs kena berdepan dgn mcm2 workplace hazards & karenah pesakit. 24 hours!! Terpaksa korbankan masa tidur & masa bersama keluarga. But we still manage to control ourselves. Tahap kesabaran kena tinggi. Itu pun depa kata tak kritikal. Kalau dah tak kritikal, boleh la kot bukak hospitals 8 am to 5pm je..

So, don’t blame us if we all bengang & frustated. 
Don’t blame us if many of the pakar quit government & join the private sector. 
Don’t blame us kalau nurses ramai yg cabut pi keje kat Arab Saudi. 

Coz the current system keeps getting worse & worse. 

Some says kerja as doctors, nurses & MAs ni kena ikhlas. Tapi masalahnye keikhlasan saje won’t help us to pay the bills. Rasanya motivation utk bekerja semua org berkadar langsung dgn payment yg kita dapat kan?

Dan yg terbaru pulak, elaun kritikal dipotong starting next year’s lantikan. Lepas ni ape la pulak. Takde effect pada payment saya, tapi impaknya besar pada adik2 yg mula dilantik pada tahun depan & future of medicine & healthcare in our country.

Instead of potong elaun kritikal, why don’t they increase caj rawatan from RM1 to certain amount. So that our people will appreciate their health more as health is NOT CHEAP. And we doctors & paramedics are NOT CHEAP. RM1 for anything & everything is just sooo irrational. No wonder ramai org yg abuse the facility. Batuk baru sekali dah datang beratur depan klinik & hospital. Lambat sikit dapat rawatan, viral...

Don’t get me started with the ministers’ gaji & allowence. 
Totally unacceptable & ridiculous. 
Dari dulu sampai sekarang, sama je. 
Some of them pegang jawatan sepenggal without any expertise & kelulusan dalam bidang kerja (even ada yg sijil palsu), tapi dapat pencen gaji penuh. 
Gaji & elaun tinggi, tapi ponteng sidang parlimen sokmo. 
Alasan: Kami sejuk & kami penat. 
Yeah rite!! Itu pun ada hati nak kacau gaji orang lain.

So, buat parents yg nak anak jadi doktor, you all better think twice or more. Coz it’s not as glamourous as what it seems. Dan adik2 yg nak jadi nurses atau MAs, boleh la reconsider balik ye. Kerja penat, tapi tak dihargai.

P/S: Penjawat awam dalam Kementerian Kesihatan adalah yg kedua terbesar selepas Kementerian Pendidikan. 

They have done a BIG mistake this time. 
BIG MISTAKE. Harap dikaji semula pemotongan elaun kritikal. 
And please improve the system & payment...

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