
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 29, 2019

Indian MP Says There Is Brain Malfunction??

I got this from an online paper called Capital Post. I have only a small comment at the end.

Mahathir Mohamad, the 94-year-old Prime Minister of Malaysia (Mahathir Mohamad), has been making rhetoric against India one after the other to prove that he is no longer functioning in a normal mental state. 

From being reluctant to send Zakir Naik to India, to remove Section 370 (Article 370) from Jammu and Kashmir and now on the Citizenship Amendment Act, they are making unnecessary and unauthorized false statements against India.
Malaysia is neither a neighbouring country of India nor does it have any complications with India, yet they are not deterring from their antics. 

Mahathir Mohammed questioned the need for citizenship amendment law and said that ‘when everybody in India has lived together for 70 years, then what was the need of this law’. He even said that ‘people are losing their lives due to this law’.
Now someone should ask him, ‘Do you know the A, B and C of this law?’ He does not know nor is he trying to know anything about this by calling the Indian Ambassador in his country. 

But who can control his tongue. Does he know how India is grappling with the issue of infiltration? But once understood, Mahathir of Malaysia has once again commented on India’s internal affairs. Who has given him the permission? Mahathir Mohammad is saying,
“I am sad to see that India which claims to be a secular country is taking steps to take away the citizenship of some Muslims. If we do this in our country, then I do not know what will happen. There will be chaos and instability everywhere and everyone will be affected.”
Mr. Mahathir, do you know that the citizenship amendment law will not take away one’s citizenship? 

He is saying what will happen if his country passed such a law. There is a need to understand his statement.
In a way, he is also warning about 3 Million Indians of his country. He should apologize publicly for making the said statement. The whole world knows that Indians settled in their country are considered second class citizens. Their temples have been continuously broken. Then, Mahathir Saheb keeps shamelessly silent.
You will remember that Mahathir Mohammed had a lot of trouble even when Article 370 was abolished from Kashmir. Then he said in the General Assembly of the United Nations that India has occupied Kashmir. 

Nowadays he is seen standing blindly with Pakistan. He has emerged as a new close friend of Imran Khan. But in Pakistan, from Shia Muslims to Ahmadiyas, Qadianis, Hindus, Sikhs and Christians are oppressed along with the society, then their tongue gets stitched. Why then does he become silent?
Due to these actions of Mahathir, business relations of both countries are being affected. Palm oil accounts for two-thirds of the oils used in food in India. India imports 9 million tonnes of palm oil every year and it is mainly from Malaysia. 

The Indian government may also prohibit other things including palm oil imported from Malaysia. If this happens, the economy of Malaysia will sit. India has also sent strict messages to the Government of Malaysia for restrictive action. 

Actually, before speaking, Mahathir never knew the ground reality. He just keeps on speaking.
Who gave him the right to interfere in our internal affairs? The whole world is aware of the situation of Indians in Malaysia. It is normal for their temples to be broken without any reason. Can Mahathir deny this truth? 

The contribution of Indians in the development of Malaysia has been fantastic. 
Mahathir has emerged as the mentor of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan. When almost all Islamic countries are distancing from Pakistan, Malaysia stands with it. 

It doesn’t matter to India. That is an issue between both countries. Whether their relations are good or bad, it cannot be a matter of India’s interest. But their friendship becomes a challenge for India when they propagate falsehood. 

The good thing is that the world ignores Mahathir’s anti-Indian attitude and rhetoric. But now the Government of India should not delay regarding the imposition of economic sanctions on Malaysia.

My comments : Here is a short story that I have mentioned before. Its about Malaysia and India relations. This story was never reported in our local Press at that time. In the early 2000s there was an Indian Salafi preacher who came to KL. This guy was a big "maulana" (or sahibul samaha) in Tamil Nadu and had a huge following there. 

Over here in Kuala Lumpur he was going around at private functions and invitations making fun of the Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah etc. Soon the local mamak people made a report to the agama fellows. The agama fellows promptly had the "maulana" arrested and I believe Immigration locked him up at Semenyih or someplace.

In the age of instant communications his supporters here called his supporters in Chennai in Tamil Nadu and told them their maulana had been arrested by the Malaysian authorities.  In a few short hours a sizeable crowd of his supporters surrounded the Malaysian High Commission office in Chennai. They demanded that their guru in Malaysia be released  and that they will not let the Malaysian High Commission people in Chennai leave for home until their maulana was released.  That is what I was told.

The Malaysian High Commission people in Chennai did not know head or tail about what was going on or who was this maulana fellow who had been arrested in Kuala Lumpur. 

N'theless they frantically called Wisma Putra in KL which had to intervene quickly. Within hours the maulana guy was released, put on a plane and sent back to India.  The info I received at that time was that the whole incident lasted less than 24 hours.

Now this Indian Member of Parliament above, who is also said to be a billionaire and with much influence in India is saying that India stop buying NINE million tonnes of Malaysian palm oil.

So here is my final question : How many cups of palm oil can Dr Mahathir drink in one day?

1 comment:

  1. Thought you hate the salafi,or is it you hate everything that is not you.


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