
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, December 14, 2019

Kit Siang Says Pakatan Harapan Has Failed

To rural Malaysians, reforms, upholding the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, human rights, civil liberties, unity, justice, freedom, excellence, integrity, transparency, accountability, and so on, mean nothing if they are struggling to survive. Pakatan Harapan promised a land of milk and honey and roads paved with gold. That, to most Malaysians, is more important than legalising gay marriages. Can’t Kit Siang get that simple thing into his head?

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Malaysians do not see Pakatan Harapan’s failure as a laughing matter like Guan Eng does

(MMO) – Pakatan Harapan must use its election manifesto to come out with policies that uphold the Federal Constitution, DAP’s Lim Kit Siang said today. He said defending the constitution was crucial to restoring the principles of unity, justice, freedom, excellence and integrity to Malaysia.

Kit Siang also denied saying the pledges PH made in its Buku Harapan manifesto were impossible to deliver. “What I said at the Perak State Convention last month was that we must be frank with the people, and that if we had made ‘impossible’ promises, we must have the confidence in the people’s trust to admit them.”
Kit Siang added that the failure to vigorously deliver pledged reforms was already leading to public disenchantment. Malaysians are starting to suspect that the ruling coalition is slowly embracing lack of accountability, abuses of power, and corruption.
“It is vital and important that Pakatan Harapan parties must be able to convince our members and core supporters that the trajectory towards a New Malaysia is on track,” and he urged Pakatan Harapan to renew its commitment to its election manifesto.
That statement by Kit Siang is a typical Kit Siang statement. If you study Kit Siang’s statements over the last 50 years you can see that these are the kind of statements he always makes. He loves to play with words and he uses big words to impress people. Surprisingly, this time he did not use his favourite word: kleptocracy.
Let us analyse what Kit Siang is trying to say in this latest statement of his.
“Pakatan Harapan must use its election manifesto to come out with policies that uphold the Federal Constitution.”
How do you do that? No explanation.
Which part or item of the election manifesto is Kit Siang talking about? No explanation.
What policies is Kit Siang talking about? No explanation.
How would these policies uphold the Federal Constitution? No explanation.
Hence it is a very vague and general statement that is meant to sound good but which lacks any credible or coherent details. Anyone can say something like that if you do not need to explain what you mean or you do not need to offer any details to explain how to do it.
Kit Siang then says he did not say Pakatan Harapan’s promises are impossible to deliver but that if they are impossible to deliver then Pakatan Harapan has to be honest with the voters and confess.
I leave it to you to figure out what he is trying to say here.

Kit Siang is the one who has failed to deliver his promises made since 35 years ago

“Kit Siang added that the failure to vigorously deliver pledged reforms was already leading to public disenchantment.”
Okay, which particular “reforms” is Kit Siang talking about that he alleges Pakatan Harapan “pledged” but is not delivering?
Is it the promise to convert TOL land in Chinese villages in Perak to freehold land? That is already being delivered. So which other promises are still not being delivered? Allowing the use of “Allah” in Bahasa Malaysia Bibles? Legalising gay marriages? Recognising the UEC exams? Abolishing religious classes in national schools? Allowing freedom of religion so that Muslims can leave Islam or convert to other religions? Which reforms are still not being delivered?
“Malaysians are starting to suspect that the ruling coalition is slowly embracing lack of accountability, abuses of power, and corruption.”

Kit Siang’s collaboration with Tun Dr Mahathir is hurting DAP very badly

Malaysians are not “starting to suspect”, Malaysians already know. Malaysians are looking at the corruption cases involving DAP leaders, in particular involving his own son, Lim Guan Eng, and can see that Pakatan Harapan is rapidly (not slowly) embracing lack of accountability, abuses of power, and corruption.
Nevertheless, that is only part of the problem. That is only one reason why Malaysians, especially those who voted for Pakatan Harapan in GE14, are disillusioned and disgusted with Pakatan Harapan. There is an even more important reason. And that reason is the economy.
With all these fancy words and phrases that Kit Siang is espousing, he failed to talk about the more important issue, which is Malaysians are suffering. Show me the money, as they say in the US. And there is no money to show.
Reforms, upholding the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, human rights, civil liberties, unity, justice, freedom, excellence, integrity, transparency, accountability, and so on, are well and fine. In fact, we have been hearing about all this since the day DAP was formed 54 years ago. And as Kit Siang says, since the last 19 months DAP has been part of the federal government but still they cannot deliver what they have been screaming about for 54 years.

Kit Siang is talking kok and is avoiding to address the issue most important to Malaysians

However, what is more important is money in your pockets and food on the table. Reforms, upholding the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, human rights, civil liberties, unity, justice, freedom, excellence, integrity, transparency, accountability, etc., are no bloody good if you cannot feed your family. You cannot isi perut and get kenyang on reforms, upholding the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, human rights, civil liberties, unity, justice, freedom, excellence, integrity, transparency, accountability, etc.
Kit Siang is going totally off-tangent and is out of sync with the people. Money in the pocket first. Food on the table first. Cover the cost of living first. Then can talk about reforms, upholding the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, human rights, civil liberties, unity, justice, freedom, excellence, integrity, transparency, accountability, and so on.
To rural Malaysians, reforms, upholding the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, human rights, civil liberties, unity, justice, freedom, excellence, integrity, transparency, accountability, and so on, mean nothing if they are struggling to survive. Pakatan Harapan promised a land of milk and honey and roads paved with gold. That, to most Malaysians, is more important than legalising gay marriages. Can’t Kit Siang get that simple thing into his head?

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