
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 8, 2019

Pakatan Harapan Has Lost Control Of The Civil Service

Hence Pakatan Harapan won GE14 because of false promises and lies. And now those promises cannot be delivered and the lies are being exposed one-by-one. That is why the 1.6 million-strong Malaysian civil service is doing a U-turn. This has nothing to do with a ‘Deep State’. It is all about Pakatan Harapan being exposed for the fraud that it is and the Malays no longer want to collaborate with liars and con artists.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
DAP said that a ‘Deep State’ exists in the 1.6 million-strong Malaysia civil service. What does a ‘Deep State’ mean?
This is how Wikipedia defines a ‘Deep State’.
deep state, also known as a state within a state, is a form of clandestine government made up of hidden or covert networks of power operating independently of a state’s political leadership, in pursuit of their own agenda and goals. This more or less constitutes a hidden government within the legitimately elected government.

Pakatan Harapan says a ‘Deep State’ exists in the 1.6 million-strong Malaysian civil service

Today, Pakatan Harapan’s Khalid Abdul Samad said civil servants unwilling to cooperate with their ministers will be transferred. In short, those who disobey Pakatan Harapan will be dealt with.
Khalid said it has been over a year since Pakatan Harapan took over the government and civil servants have been given opportunities to adjust. “We cannot just take over the government and start sacking people, but instead we followed the existing system and gave these people an opportunity.”
“But finally, after more than a year now, those whom we found, who are not willing to offer their cooperation, we will transfer them.”

“10 promises in 100 days” that have never been delivered almost 580 days later

Khalid added that it was not easy to reform ministries as many still remain aligned to Barisan Nasional. “Just look at what happened to Rafizi. The AG had given out orders to not appeal the decision, but still an appeal was filed.”
In response to that, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he will seek information on the allegations of the existence of a ‘Deep State’ in the Malaysian civil service, which is trying to sabotage the administration of the Pakatan Harapan government.
“I don’t know if it is taking place, but if a hidden state exists, I think we can contain it, no problem. Prior to this, there were a lot of problems when I was prime minister, but we could continue to administer…I will deal with it, I will view and study it first,” Mahathir said.
Najib is supposed to have stolen RM50 billion but the ongoing trials do not seem to point to that
What Pakatan Harapan does not seem to understand is that they won the 14th general election or GE14 last year because the majority of the civil service (the police and armed forces included) supported them. Or else they would not have garnered such a large share of the Malay vote. If based on non-Malay votes alone, Pakatan Harapan would never have been able to win the general election (as the 2008 and 2013 general elections proved).
This time around, in May 2018, the Malays decided to give Pakatan Harapan a chance (but not those Malays in the ‘Malay heartland’ of Kedah, Perak, Terengganu, Kelantan and Pahang though — who still voted for Umno and PAS).

The unhealthy obsession regarding the succession is putting off many people

Why did the Malays, in particular those Malays in the civil and armed services, decide this time around to vote for Pakatan Harapan?
First reason. Pakatan Harapan promised the voters “a land of milk and honey with roads paved in gold” (metaphorically-speaking, of course). That did not happen. The ‘10 promises in the first 100 days’ did not materialise while the much-touted cost of living coming down after the GST is abolished not only did not happen but the cost of living went up instead.
Second reason. Najib Tun Razak was said to have stolen RM50 billion of 1MDB’s money and that, as soon as Pakatan Harapan takes over, the very next day the government is going to recover the RM50 billion and jail Najib for the rest of his life. That also did not happen.

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