
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Yoursay: VVIP-Azilah meet – ball is back in Shafee’s court

YOURSAY | ‘Instead of just keep saying VVIP, please name the VVIP.’
Vijay47: Oh dear, Mr Hotshot Lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah of titillating fame, you are in plenty of big trouble, the kind that hits the fan and causes it to stall.

You are supposedly a legal person of great experience and greater talent, yet you openly made an unsubstantiated allegation on an extremely grave matter affecting the former prime minister of this country, your client.
Worse, when making that statement about someone meeting convicted killer Azilah Hadri outside the prison walls, you knew that what you were stating was mere hearsay, not proven and yet you, a lawyer, had the cheek to say “I am trying to confirm it”.
The prison authorities have now denied that Azilah had ever left his enforced residence. I grant that in accepting their denial, we are boldly going where no one has gone before – lending credence to anything that any government body says these days.
But we shall at least for the moment give them the benefit of the doubt, intensely pleasurable as it is.
So where does that place you now? A simple “oops!” is not going to get you off the hook and surely you see two nooses looming ominously before you.
The lesser consequence would be you being struck off the Bar Council rolls for conduct unbecoming of a member of the legal profession.
The second far worse possibility is that you might soon be sharing the dock with your client on charges of issuing perverted statements offensive to the course of justice and making falsehoods in some ill-advised attempt to defend your client.
Your shocked client, in keeping with his current delusional state, will of course claim that all this is part of a conspiracy to deny him the undelegated opportunity of proving his innocence.
Pokok Kelapa: Okay, Shafee, if you say this took place, then why didn’t you make a police report and make an issue of it back in February. I think a death row prisoner being out of prison is a serious matter.
Since you are still confirming the matter, that means you are not sure. The ball is in your court. The old saying goes that it takes a crook to nab the other. The one who is the stronger wins.
We are waiting. I hope you are not going on a roadshow for this one.
Capo: Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad walked out of a press conference yesterday when asked about the accusation that he allegedly met with Azilah outside the prison in February this year.
Isn't that an admission of guilt? If he was interested in the truth, he could have easily gotten the attorney-general to meet Azilah.
No, Mahathir has a far greater nefarious agenda than seeking the truth about the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariiibuu.
Mahathir knows exactly what former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak did in 2006 but he still helped install Najib as the sixth prime minister.
Even though I am not a fan of Shafee, I still think Mahathir abused his power and undermined the office of the attorney-general to further his own nefarious agenda. He must be stopped and held accountable.
Slip Sliding Away: I, too, am not a fan of Shafee or that kleptocrat, Najib, but sheer common sense will tell you that Azilah's movement in respect of this matter would be part of a covert operation. So obviously, the prison record won't show him going out for questionable purposes.
Hence, the statement by the Prisons Department director is of little weight here except to exonerate himself.
The jury is still out whether or not he was smuggled out to meet the very, very important person (VVIP).
Bruclax: If the Prisons Department is worth its salt, it should immediately lodge a police report so that the allegations can be put to rest. This pussyfooting around such serious allegations are not helpful in building public trust.
We already have a police force that has been tainted with all sorts of allegations. If the prison records are solid, then the government should teach likes of Shafee a lesson.
Making press statements denying the allegation is not at all convincing.
Worried Sick: Yes, the Prison Department must lodge a police report against Shafee. This lawyer is well known for making outlandish remarks whenever his client is facing charges.
The funny thing is that he keeps getting away with it.
FlabberPro: Shafee, it is equally predictable that you too will cry innocence in this melodrama. In your mind, your political and legal opponents would employ the same tactics as you when your masters were in power.
But too bad for you, the Malaysia that we know today is far cleaner than the bygone era of BN. 
Don't just say a "very reliable source". Prove it, Mr Lawyer.
Hajile Leumas: The real truth will always prevail and those who had a hand with the murder of Altantuya will have to face up to the dire consequences and receive their just reward because they cannot escape God's righteous judgement.
Right and Wrong: Instead of just keep saying VVIP, please name the VVIP.
If we say VVIP, it is good enough to name the person since the number of VVIP in Malaysia is small. Anyway, it depends on which category of VVIP we are talking about.
Hang Babeuf: "The number of VVIPs in Malaysia is small."
Really? VVIP?
At my local shopping mall, there are several parking places reserved for such duly designated VVIPs.
I Am Sabahan: It is good that Mahathir has denied his involvement, but this is Malaysia, a land of impossible possibles. - Mkini

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