
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 10, 2020


While we are being gored to death with boring local 'no news' here is some "chappati and rice dumpling" rattling high up in the Himalayas.

First here is an analysis by the Soufan Center (ex CIA's Ali Soufan):

China and India in tense standoff along one of world’s longest shared land borders
China troop presence in Galwan and Pagong in Ladakh and Naku La in Bhutan
simultaneous face off at three different places 

not first time China and India have clashed over territorial demarcation
long history of clashes on border between two countries since 1962 Sino-Indian War
dozen areas, in Ladakh,  Arunachal Pradesh, under dispute
2017 dispute near Doklam, India deployed troops on Bhutan - China border

scale of both countries’ information operations to control narrative
both countries ramped up information to control narrative
relying on various media and aggressive swarms of online activity 

(OSTB : So its a war of words)

Chinese strategists link standoff to U.S. instigation, not territorial dispute
Chinese media say instigated by U.S. support for India
without which India less resolute
appears well-coordinated, significant planning, preparation

recent statement from India pledged to resolve dispute through diplomacy
standoff may ultimately be resolved through diplomacy

(OSTB : So its a war of words)

China strongly encouraging India to avoid picking sides in U.S.-China dispute
reiterates Chinese rhetoric of ‘New Cold War’ between US and and China
future relations will depend upon India separating U.S. - India alliance from China
India less likely to see current standoff through broader geopolitical lens

Xi seeks to end Deng Xiaoping adage of 'hide your strength and bide your time’ 
Xi must act aggressively to cement China position as world power

US considers India natural ally and bulwark against China
India more inclined to tread carefully
India recognizes US role as world leader is precarious
US role more tenuous, than at any time in recent memory

My comments :

It is the mating season in the prairie (musim mengawan).
The US presidential elections are in November this year.
I think the temperature around the world will cool down after November.
Unless Trump loses to whoever. 

Here is a map of the Himalayan mountain range.

Here is another map of the countries in this region - from Kashmir in the west to almost Myanmar in the east (oops).  

Indeed this is one of the longest land borders among any two countries in the world. India considers the Bhutan and Nepal borders with China also as within its 'domain'. 

Tibet is now part of China - much to India's consternation.

Look at Sikkim. In 1975 Sikkim became a part of India - to some objection from China. Then 28 years later in 2003 China acknowledged that Sikkim is part of India.  

I look at it this way - anywhere along this region where they make "teh tarik" - ie where they make tea with cow's milk - then leave it to the Indian circle lah. That would include Ladakh (that red circled area), Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh. 

Places where they drink green tea, poo-err tea, just plain tea with no milk or sugar added - then leave those places to China.

I have been following this 'stand off' over the past few weeks. The latest news is both China and India have agreed to have talks between the two sides. Both China and India have agreed to appoint military representatives (of lieutenant general rank) to head their respective sides.

India will be represented by Lt General Harinder Singh. That's the guy on the left :

The general has a solid track record - commander of the northern corp and was also head of Indian military intelligence at one time. I am quite sure the Chinese side will also be ably represented.

So the Army folks are talking. If the Army folks are talking they will not be shooting. So that is a very good sign. 

There are larger issues here. 

Not too long ago the US and India were almost at war. 
During the Indo-Pak War the Indian Navy was once prepared to attack the US Navy.

But now in the era of Narendra Modi - Trump,  the US and India are BFF or "Best Friends Forever". 

Tibet is an old sore with India. India has given refuge to the Dalai Lama.
China has not only annexed Tibet but soon Tibet will become Shandong or Quanxi.
The Tibetan people are not too unhappy with the transformations taking place.

The three pictures below show modern day Tibet :

Maybe both India and China can focus on finding the Yeti. 
Imagine the tourism revenue that will bring. 

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