
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Flattening the curve - it's now or never, says Health DG


COVID-19 | All Malaysians must be united in the war against this current large scale of Covid-19 transmission, said health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

He said the public played a crucial role by fully complying with the prescribed standard operating procedures (SOPs) regardless of the person’s position or status.

“We cannot win this war to contain or mitigate the virus transmission without public support. All we ask is for the public to ‘stay at home’ and if that is not possible, then please comply with the simple SOPs.

“Wear a mask, safe distancing, and frequent hand washing. Failure to comply will definitely increase the risk of infection and disease transmission,” he wrote on his Facebook last night.

From Oct 1 to yesterday, Malaysia recorded a worrying spike in the number of new Covid-19 cases with a three-digit jump and the highest was on Tuesday at 691 cases.

In motivating the frontliners, Noor Hisham said as the last line of the country’s defence, they were the protectors of the people’s health and the nation's safety.

“We must keep our spirits up and continue to be strong. We have a small window of opportunity to do it right and flatten the curve again. It is now or never.

“A bracing reminder to all frontliners to adhere to the case management framework, practice guidelines, and SOPs in the field to protect ourselves from being infected. Health unites us all against one common enemy, Covid-19,” he added.

He acknowledged that it has been ten long months for those on the front line and backroom scenes working round the clock to fight the invisible enemy.

Many would feel fatigued or frustrated with every new cluster that emerges, after all, frontliners are only humans, he said. - Bernama

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