
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 5, 2021



Successful people take full responsibility for their wins and losses. The do not play the blame game. They refuse to go through life finger-pointing and making excuses. They are pro-active instead of reactive, moving forward toward their goals and dreams and taking responsibility for every step of the journey. They refuse to play the victim. Instead, they use the lessons learned in the school of hard knocks as stepping-stones to greatness rather than as a crutch for mediocrity.

It is so easy to make excuses for our problems, hardships, character flaws, and just about everything else. But when you make excuses, you cannot make progress! When you play the victim, you inevitably surround yourself with anger, resentment and negative thoughts. This leads to stress, fatigue, depression and other chronic diseases. If you are going to succeed in life and in business, you have to “own” up your current reality… the good, the bad, and the ugly! Only then can you take action to change your circumstances!

Are you playing “The Blame Game”? Consider the following questions carefully and honestly to determine how you may be avoiding personal responsibility.

Do you find it hard to admit when you are wrong? (And more importantly, would the people who know you best agree with your answer?)

Do you focus a lot on the past instead of looking toward the future?

Do you use other people’s irresponsible behaviour to justify your own? (For example, “They are driving way over the speed limit, so why shouldn’t I?”)

Do you find it difficult to apologize to others? Do you view apologizing as a sign of weakness or as a sign of strength?

Do you believe life is unfair and often feel sorry for yourself?

Do you view negative occurrences/relationships in your life as being out of your control? Do you see yourself as a victim?

Do you feel powerless to change anything in your life for the better?


We all make the mistake of blaming others and making excuses from time to time. But the key to living a successful life is accepting personal responsibility for our choices and our actions. Here are a few tips to start taking great ownership of your life…

  • Apologize when you are wrong (and accept the fact that you are not always right!)
  • Admit when you have made a mistake.
  • Learn to forgive and let go of the past.
  • Be open to the ideas and opinions of others. Your viewpoint is not the only valid one.
  • Identify the things in your life that you are not happy about, and do something to change them.
  • Practice saying, “I am responsible” until you start to believe it.
  • Take smart risks, and realize that you are responsible for the outcomes.
  • Adopt a positive outlook on life (i.e. the glass is half-full as opposed to half-empty).
  • Recognize and embrace your own shortcomings, and ask others for help when you need it.

Take full responsibility for your life and your business decisions. Do not play the blame game and do not make excuses.

As usual, we remind you to take your Memo Plus Gold daily. It will help to keep you alert and mentally sharp. For more information or to order for Memo Plus Gold, please visit : https://oze.my.

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