
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Illogical Logic Of The Umnoputeras


YES. MALAYSIA IS A FAILED STATE, AS THE UMNOPUTERAS SAY. But it is a failed state not because of the way the government is handling the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a failed state because Malays do not respect civil liberties and human rights and dictate what Muslims and non-Muslims can and cannot do.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The Umnoputera bloggers are just repeating the Pakatan Harapan propaganda about how bad Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and his Perikatan Nasional government are (READ THE BLOG POSTING BELOW).

For those of you who may be too young to remember, they said the same thing when Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah opposed Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in 1987. They said the same thing when Anwar Ibrahim opposed Mahathir in 1998. They said the same thing when Mahathir opposed Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2006. They said the same thing when Mahathir opposed Najib Tun Razak in 2015. And now, again, they are repeating that same script.

What they said about Mahathir in 1987 and 1998, what they said about Abdullah in 2006, and what they said about Najib in 2015, they are now saying about Muhyiddin. Same script but different Prime Minister for 34 years since 1987.

Takde script baru ke? Semua PM tak betul. Dah 34 tahun satu orang pun tak betul. Jadi, siapa yang betul?

Sesiapa pun boleh, asal bukan Mahathir. Sesiapa pun boleh, asal bukan Pak Lah. Sesiapa pun boleh, asal bukan Najib. Now, sesiapa pun boleh, asal bukan Muhyiddin.

“Makes no difference who the replacement is, the first order of business is to change him before the situation gets from worse to worst,” says this Umnoputera blogger.

But that is just the point. IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE! What type of logic is this? Illogical logic! IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

The whole problem is, if it is true, as the Umnoputera bloggers say, that Malaysia is in a mess, this is because Umnoputera bloggers spew illogical logic that “it makes no difference who the replacement is”.

The Umnoputera bloggers and online penceramah keep saying the Malaysian government is a failed government or that Malaysia is a failed state. What yardstick or criteria are they using to come to this conclusion? There must be a measurement involved, so which measurement are they using?

They do not explain the “SIRIM” standards applied to gauge the success or failure of a government. Hence it is entirely up to them to decide whether Malaysia is a failed state or a successful state. They can simply say what they like to say and it becomes the truth.

Yes, I agree. Malaysia is a failed state, like what those DAP people, Umnoputera bloggers, and online penceramah say. And it is a failed state because there are no civil liberties and human rights in Malaysia.

Men cannot dress up as women without facing harassment. Men cannot have sex with men without being jailed for 20 years. Muslims are not allowed to leave Islam. Christians cannot use Allah in the Bible. Muslim girls cannot marry Hindu boys unless the Hindu boy converts to Islam. Malays cannot dispute the Hadith and reject them as “fake news”.

YES. MALAYSIA IS A FAILED STATE, AS THE UMNOPUTERAS SAY. But it is a failed state not because of the way the government is handling the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a failed state because Malays do not respect civil liberties and human rights and dictate what Muslims and non-Muslims can and cannot do.


Raising the black and white flags

Another Brick in the Wall

Its irrelevant whether this campaign is initiated by PKR or whoever, Tan Sri Mahiaddin has to go.

Makes no different who the replacement is, the first order of business is to change him before situation get from worse to worst.

Be it Hishamuddin or Anwar Ibrahim or Zahid Hamidi or Shafie Apdal or remote possibilities of Najib or Tengku Razaleigh, the choice of replacement should not be allowed to divert attention from the more important task.

There are numerous viable options available so those delving into it is using it as excuse to support the incompetent leadership, devious politics, and forever giving excuses behaviour of Mahiaddin.

Distress signal

And, this blog is also raising the white flag to signify the country is in need of dire help.

It is supporting the campaign initiated by Amanah because it is a practical distress signal to neighbours and community for family that ran out of resources to feed themselves.

For cases reported, it proves to be effective in attracting immediate assistance from neighbours, NGOs and not withstanding, political parties.

The resistance to this effort only came from the politically defensive and growing arrogant PAS leaders, and mindless PPBM members and supporters.

It would have been smarter politics to support the initiative and diffuse the political victory of Amanah. The call would surely gain support from public.

Unfortunately, hair splitting clergy such the Wahabi Federal Territory Mufti lost the plot to issue an edith to call it as haram.

Such edith is unnecessary and not a convincing call based on broad practical understanding and sound assessment.

Failed government

Malaysia underwent the world’s longest Covid 19 emergency, non-stop MCOs and its derivatives, vaccinations, and regulated SOPs issued nonstop and continuously flip flop.

This coalition government of UMNO politicians and political parties led by Mahiaddin have proven to be indecisive.

It lacked the foresight to anticipate, pre-empt, and dealt with problems in crisis situation. The leadership was more concerned and focused in taking political opportunity from the pandemic.

It is a #KerajaanGagal in all sense and perspective.

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