
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Alamak ! Lebai Berahi Raba Sajat Pula !



  • I was groped by religious officers, says Nur Sajat
  •  FMT Reporters 
  • Sajat says religious officials did not treat her with compassion or humanity
  • Sajat claimed groped by religious officers when called in for questioning
  • interview with New York Times
  • Sajat said her mother witnessed the assault 
  • confronted one officer, asking how pious Muslims could do that.
  • “He responded that Sajat was a man so it was ok.
  • “They think it is justified to touch my private parts and my breasts Sajat added.
  • “They didn’t treat me with any compassion or humanity,” 
  • Sajat made a police report
  • later a religious department enforcement officer was called in to give statement.
  • she said at least three men kicked her, pinned her down and groped her.
  • She was then placed overnight in a male detention facility.
  • Sajat escaped in February to Thailand
  • she left Thailand this month for Australia

My Comments :

Civilisation or civilised behaviour is quite alien to the lebais.  Something in the way their mothers and fathers bring them up or in their religious indoctrination makes them not civilised.  

This here is a case of raba people's breasts. In Afghanistan it is worse. In Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria it just gets more worse.

Civilised behaviour eludes them. Yet people still listen to these fellows.  

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili FMT.

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