
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, February 14, 2022

Exposing More US Bullshit - What Does It Mean For Us Malaysians?

 The USA / UK have almost declared war on China and Russia. The propaganda against China and Russia is non-stop.

Once in a while the Chinese strike back - with facts and figures. Here is an example. This simple poster shows the American genocide of their Native American population. Versus a THREE fold increase in the population of Uyghurs in China.



Not only did the Americans wipe out the "Red Indians" but they also glorified their genocide by making movies of cowboys killing 'Injuns'. 

Hollywood actors like Chuck Connors, Lee Marvin, John Wayne, Spenser Tracy and hundreds of others  became famous making 'shoot-the-Injuns' westerns.

Then there are the so called trade sanctions against China and Moscow. The graph below shows TEN years of phenomenal trade growth between the US and China. The US China trade is the largest between any two countries in the world. In 2018 the US-China trade exceeded US$540 Billion. Last year 2021 the figure exceeded US$755 Billion !! An increase of over 28% from 2020. 

So what trade sanctions are they talking about?



So you see all this American talk about trade sanctions against China is just bullshit nonsense.

Now we come to American sanctions against Russia. This short 1 minute video shows a Russian oiltanker that saved the American city of Nome in Alaska from freezing to death. The sea froze over and the Russian oil tanker was the only ship that could deliver oil to Nome. Although this story is six or seven years old it shows the close links between the US and Russia - beyond the horizon in places like Alaska.

The following graph shows 20 years of US-Russia trade. In 2016 the total US-Russia trade total exceeded US$20 billion. Last year in 2021 US-Russia trade exceeded US$36 BILLION !! So what trade sanctions are they talking about?


So what trade sanctions are they talking about? And here is something really interesting. The following picture shows the world famous (if you follow rocket technology) Russian made RD 180 rocket engine. This Russian made engine has been the workhorse for almost ALL American space launches for 20 years.

But every year we read headlines like these - "because of the American sanctions the export of these Russian rocket engines will be halted"

But the reality is the exact opposite. Every year the exports still continue. They always find some "loophole clauses" which allows the Americans to trade with Russia. 

For this year 2022, the Americans will be buying another 18 of these Russian made RD180 rocket engines. They found a 'loophole clause' in the so called trade sanctions against Russia. 

This is where the Chinese are super geniuses. China has weaned itself almost completely away from the US/UK and the West. The Chinese dont care about Facebook. They have their own. The Chinese dont care about WhatsApp. They have developed their own. 

The Chinese do not care about SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions). The Americans control SWIFT. If the Americans block Malaysia's access to SWIFT (as an example) our economy will likely collapse because SWIFT is the main provider of international electronic funds transfers between countries. Without access to SWIFT our payments for international trade may not function.

Well here too the Chinese have developed their own version of SWIFT. And all Chinese trade payments use their own system. They do not depend on the American controlled SWIFT. 

What does this mean for us in Malaysia? It means please do not get carried away by all this American, British and Western propaganda. They may try and force us into obeying their trade sanctions but at the same time they have no problems breaking their own sanctions - for their own profit. Its all about money. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not reflect those of MMKtT.

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