
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Perkasa, quick, there is another sedition case for you to foam at the mouth

Come on Perkasa! Wake up! Tidur ke? Let’s see you on the streets this Friday protesting this seditious act by those in Putrajaya who support countries that insult the Prophet.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The government is taking action against Nurul Izzah Anwar because of a police report that Perkasa made against her. It seems, according to the police, Nurul Izzah is being investigated for the crime of sedition.

See video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cICkSN0taWQ

As part of my national service, I wish to bring to the attention of Perkasa the possibility of another sedition case. Maybe Perkasa can organise a massive protest demonstration this Friday after the Friday prayers.

This more serious sedition case involves insults to Prophet Muhammad. For more details you can read the World Future article below.

How can Perkasa tolerate the Malaysian government buying defence equipment and products from countries that insult Prophet Muhammad? Insulting the Prophet is an act of sedition in Malaysia. Yet Malaysia spends hundreds of millions or billions supporting the industries of these countries.

Maybe Perkasa was not aware of this. Well, now they know. And I want to see Perkasa take to the streets to protest this. Supporting countries that insult Prophet Muhammad is just like you too are insulting the Prophet.

Come on Perkasa! Wake up! Tidur ke? Let’s see you on the streets this Friday protesting this seditious act by those in Putrajaya who support countries that insult the Prophet.


Police grill Nurul Izzah for sedition over Malaysia or Malaysaja

(Malaysia Chronicle) – Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar has been hauled up under the Sedition Act and questioned over a two-part article entitled Malaysia or Malaysaja, where she had invited Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali to a public debate on Artcle 153 of the federal constitution.

Nurul told reporters at the police headquarters in Dang Wangi that she was questioned for 90 minutes and asked to provide information on her background, the contents of the article and her intention in penning the article.

“I was not seeking endorsement through my article and categorically state my support for our constitution - including Article 153, our royal institutions, Islam as our official religion and Bahasa Melayu as our official language,” Nurul Izzah told reporters.

“I categorically state that I did not call for a change or to repeal any Articles in the constitution."

Article 153 details the special position of the Malay community and the Bumiputeras.

Nurul is the daughter of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. Their Pakatan Rakyat coalition rules four of Malaysia's 13 states and their manifesto specifically says they are committed to defending the existing federal constitution including Article 153.

Nevertheless, Umno and Perkasa have been quick to turn the situation to their political advantage by frequently accusing any leader from the Pakatan who challenges their interpretation of Article 153 as advocating the termination of the provision.

READ MORE HERE: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/2010/09/police-grill-nurul-izzah-for-sedition.html


Malaysia Should Boycott Swedish Fighter Crafts

(World Future) - The Malaysian government is considering the purchase of Swedish made jet fighters but it should be reminded that the Swedish government is in favour of the publication of cartoons that are offensive to Islam. In this respect, business should be linked to the disrespect of Islam and its iconic figure, Muhammad (PBUH).

Swedish-made fighter aircraft Saab JAS 39 Gripen is one of the contenders Malaysian government is choosing from to complete national Air Force strength.

The Gripen fighter was also a contender in the Indian MRCA competition for 126 multi-role combat aircraft. Gripen International handed over its proposal to New Delhi on April 28, 2008 offering the Gripen IN, a version of the Gripen NG for India's tender. Nevertheless the Indian Air Force has dropped the Gripen from the competition due to its non-competitiveness.

The Malaysian government should not aim at purchasing Swedish aircraft as this could discredit its focus on Islamic values. Signing multi-million dollar contract with a nation that disparages the merit of the religious values of the purchaser nation could lead to further tensions in the domestic scene as well as in the world arena.

Besides the rise of anti-Islam in Sweden, supported by the Swedish government on the basis of freedom of expression, the Swedish nation has also voted in a large number of anti-Islam politicians in its Parliament in last week polls. Now let us see the reasons why the Malaysian government, which focuses the defense of Islamic values, should boycott the Swedes in the aircraft deal:

On March 10, 2010 several Swedish newspapers reprinted a controversial caricature of the Prophet Mohammed as a dog by Swedish so-called “artist” Lars Vilks who initially published that blasphemous caricature in 2007. That action outraged Muslims all over the world and Prime Minister of Sweden Fredrik Reinfeldt met with ambassadors from some two dozen Islamic countries to explain the Swedish laws on freedom of expression.

On March 10 Stockholm tabloid Expressen said it decided to reprint the caricature “in support of freedom of speech”, noting it was necessary to be able to publish matters that were considered controversial. An editorial in the Stockholm daily Dagens Nyheter said a “threat against Lars Vilks is ultimately a threat against all Swedes”. Swedish broadcaster SVT's arts and culture programme also showed the caricature as did the Sydsvenskan daily.

Unfortunately these actions of intolerance and hate towards Islam is widely acceptable in Scandinavian countires – Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard was the first to publish a controversial cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban. That sacrilege of cartoon was one of 12 images published in September 2005 by Danish daily Jyllands-Posten. Those cartoons sparked outrage among Muslims and violent protests worldwide in early 2006.

It seems tiny Sweden nowadays tries to oppose itself against an Islamic world community picking up the baton from the neighbouring Denmark.

READ MORE HERE: http://www.wfol.tv/stop-nato/5317-malaysia-should-boycott-swedish-fighter-crafts.html

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