
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Police grill Nurul Izzah for sedition over Malaysia or Malaysaja

Fast-rising and popular Nurul
Malaysia Chronicle

UPDATED Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar has been hauled up under the Sedition Act and questioned over a two-part article entitled Malaysia or Malaysaja, where she had invited Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali to a public debate on Artcle 153 of the federal constitution.

Nurul told reporters at the police headquarters in Dang Wangi that she was questioned for 90 minutes and asked to provide information on her background, the contents of the article and her intention in penning the article.

“I was not seeking endorsement through my article and categorically state my support for our constitution - including Article 153, our royal institutions, Islam as our official religion and Bahasa Melayu as our official language,”Nurul Izzah told reporters.

“I categorically state that I did not call for a change or to repeal any Articles in the constitution."

Article 153 details the special position of the Malay community and the Bumiputeras.

Nurul is the daughter of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. Their Pakatan Rakyat coalition rules four of Malaysia's 13 states and their manifesto specifically says they are committed to defending the existing federal constitution including Article 153.

Nevertheless, Umno and Perkasa have been quick to turn the situation to their political advantage by frequently accusing any leader from the Pakatan who challenges their interpretation of Article 153 as advocating the termination of the provision.

Extremist - Nurul or Perkasa?

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Najib Razak had said his government would distance itself from groups that were "extremist".

"Like with our affirmative action. We accept the goal of it, but why don't we redefine affirmative action? We have to be seen to be more fair and market-friendly in our objective in the current economic environment. They have made the decision to accept a myopic view and to be selfish in their rights," Najib said in a speech to his 1Malaysia Foundation.

To many Malaysians his comments - despite being vague - offered hope that greater social justice might soon become possible. They believed Najib was referring to Perkasa and he was finally taking action against their intimidating and racist rhetoric.

Yet others feared he was referring to Nurul. They doubted he would dare go against Perkasa, which is backed by former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.

“It may seem incredible but the PM is scared. He dares not indicate who he is referring to. This shows his lack of political will and moral courage to carry out his plans. By being vague, he may be hoping to give the impression that he is referring to Perkasa whom investors and the non-Malays dislike. But at the same, it can be twisted into meaning a scolding for Izzah,” PKR strategic director Tian Chua had told Malaysia Chronicle.

Video of Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar is being investigated under the Sedition Act following a police report lodged by Perkasa accusing her of questioning the constitution.

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