
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Teoh Beng Hock, Did You Commit Suicide?

Well, Beng Hock did you ?
Richard Loh

I am truly sorry, Sdr Teoh Beng Hock, that I have to ask you this question, Did You Commit Suicide? Everyone knows that this is really a stupid question to ask but am I wrong? No, I am not wrong because this is the way how our government, MACC, PDRM and the judiciary taught us, to be stupid.

When your family met up with the Prime Minister, he made a promise that your mysterious death will be fully investigated and ensured that no stone will be left unturned. With this promise, the Prime Minister should have called for a Royal Commission of Inquiry which your family and the public had wanted. Instead, he called for an inquest. Why did he reject the RCI? Simply because the chances of getting the truth of your mysterious death is very high. For an inquest, they have the upper hand to protect the guilty (if any), manipulate and fabricate, anyway, anyhow they wanted.

On the onset, the government, PDRM, MACC and the judiciary had already made up their minds to see that your mysterious death be concluded as committing suicide, that is, you took your own life. I came to this conclusion by judging the way they presented the case, the investigation by PDRM, the judiciary allowing the DPP to ridicule witnesses and articulation of imaginary theories.

Your body was discovered at around 1:30pm but was kept in the dark for over four hours before making the announcement. A lot of things can be done, cleaning up, confide in each other what to say and many other rearrangements that may have been required during the four hours.

One minister came out with his wise statement just hours later, "we do not know why he wanted to jump and not going home". One of the first few indications to start pointing the finger towards a commit-suicide verdict.

The MACC suddenly became very professional, claiming that you were not a suspect but only a witness without explaining why a witness required such long hours of questioning right through the early morning. MACC claimed you were released but did not know why you wanted to stay back while your personal belongings were still kept by them. Indeed, we, the public find it very puzzling the way MACC tried to distance themselves from your death.

The so called professional PDRM can only came to the conclusion of sudden death. If the PDRM were to really look deeper into it, my guess is that they should be able to find out whether you committed suicide or was it homicide.

We now come to the interesting part, the clowning of your inquest. Here, we can really see that no stone was left unturned to push for a commit-suicide verdict.

Your mental stage and your family were questioned very thoroughly but not the MACC officials who were questioning you. Every effort was made to block Dr Pornthip from testifying to the extent of questioning her qualifications and expertise as being not recognized by our country.

You were even speculated to have strangled yourself first before you jumped to your death. We can see how desperate they are to protect someone, the murderer, the government, the MACC, the PDRM or even the judiciary?

The most shocking and unbelievable evidence surfaced after more than a year of your inquest, your suicide note. As I have said above, for an inquest they have the upper hand to spring surprises, they can magically turn a common simple note into a suicide note.

The laughter does not end here, there is more when they can dare to present your suicide note as evidence based on a Google translation of your written Chinese into English. They did not get an expert to translate nor to authenticate the so-called suicide note.

So, here we are, can anyone be surprised should the DPP in the ongoing inquest call for your lawyers to go and ask you whether you were murdered or that you committed suicide?

I am now ahead of the DPP in the stupidity index, so I will ask you this question first, Did You Commit Suicide?

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