
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 19, 2010

Umno is now controlled by Perkasa and Mahathir?

Richard Loh

Are we all not surprised at the latest U-Turn/flip-flop by Umno/Najib regarding Perkasa. One week ago Umno leaders were told to keep their distance from Perkasa with MCA, MIC, Gerakan cheering with happiness and today one by one they are reversing their previous stand on Perkasa.

Umno is now under the thumb of Perkasa and Mahathir with Najib, the PM, looking like a fool still daydreaming of his 1Malaysia while his own members are going all out to blame everyone else including Lee Kuan Yew except themselves for the racial and religious turmoil.

You can see how the racist school principals, Utusan and Perkasa are being protected despite the racial venom they spew out every other day.

There is no way that Umno/BN is going to change anytime sooner and they are going to use the only way they know best to ensure that they remain in power. And that way is by creating disharmony among the various races.

The PM as usual will play the nice guy with his daydream 1Malaysia to hook in as many non-Malay voters as he can while letting Perkasa, Utusan, Mahathir and his other ministers play the racial card to garner the Malay votes.

Umno is not perturbed one bit should their racial politicking erupt into riots and chaos. In fact, they will be much happier if it did.

It is very predictable what Umno is trying to do in order for them to win the 13th General Election.

The only answer to all this evil is to stand firm and see through the much needed change that is required to restore our badly damaged country to its original, beautiful and harmonious state.

Do not be fooled again by all the slogans and rhetoric from Umno/Bn for we have been fooled for a long 53 years and that is enough. The choice and decision is in the hands of the Malaysian voter. They should ensure that Umno/BN does not rule this country again after the 13th GE for they have failed the nation too times. - Malaysia for All (Edited by Malaysia Chronicle) - Malaysia for All

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