
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Why do they refuse to retire?

Lim Mun Fah

Former Gerakan adviser Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik's public outburst against party president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon was like casting a bomb into the party. It has shifted the focus of Chinese newspapers from the PKR and the DAP to Gerakan.

Perhaps, DAP Parliamentary Leader Lim Kit Siang and PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should thank the 70-year-old old man, just as when he said that Gerakan has lost Penang forever.

However, I am still confused. What was his reason of resigning as party adviser? Was it because he was in despair? Or was he trying to frighten Koh?

If he was in despair, then why did he say afterwards that it is not ended and he has not lost hope yet?

If he was trying to frighten Koh, I am afraid that he might have made a mistake.

He criticised that Koh is afraid of getting involved in solving conflicts for fear of offending people. However, Koh did not act vaguely but decisively this time. After a careful consideration, he announced that Lim's resignation has been accepted.

It is indeed quite embarrassing for Koh, who changed his plan to attend the Penang Gerakan extraordinary general meeting instead of the MCA annual general meeting only after being "forced" by Lim and "advised" by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. Koh then took the opportunity to help Lim accomplish his "wish" to resign. Is Koh waiting for the next move from Lim?

No matter how high his status used to be, an old man must accept the fact that he should not comment too much when he was no longer in the position. In fact, similar example can easily be found in the political arena, including former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher.

These elders have a common characteristic, namely always feel that their designated successors have betrayed them and they are unhappy with the directions taken by their successors. They always think that the young men never learn and thus, they keep nagging and criticising all the time.

Among these elders, Lee has eventually been deserted and even expelled from the Kuomintang (KMT). He then formed the Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) and continues grumbling occasionally.

After she stepped down, Thatcher continued interfering with politics for more than a decade and she had repeatedly caused uproars in British politics. However, due to the excessive interference, party members launched a collective counter attack and eventually, she had to sigh that the "Thatcherism" era is over and sadly, she retired from politics.

Mahathir's condition is better. But he grumbles more often now. Moreover, he is getting old and had recently been admitted to a hospital in Melbourne for a chest infection.

Some people analysed that political leaders of the older generation believe that they are charged with a mission and the mission is not fulfilled yet. Therefore, there are many old politicians who refuse to retire.

Lim's status in the political arena might not be as high as Lee, Thatcher and Mahathir. However, he is having the same mentality of unwilling to remain out of the limelight and fade away! - Sin Chew Daily

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