
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, December 13, 2010

Azmin vows to defend Sarawakians, to respect 1963 agreement

The newly-crowned PKR No. 2 gets the S'wak crowd going
PKR deputy-president Mohd Azmin Ali has promised the people of Sarawak they would be given “full autonomy” should the Pakatan Rakyat coalition win at the 13th general elections.

Speaking at a dinner held in Bintulu to an audience of about 300 persons yesterday, the Gombak parliamentarian said Pakatan will respect the agreement of 1963 in which Sabah and Sarawak joined Peninsula to form Malaysia based on an 18-point agreement.

“Sabah and Sarawak did not enter Malaysia. Sabah and Sarawak formed Malaysia together with the federated states of Malaya,” said Azmin according to a press release by Sarawak PKR leader Baru Bian.

According to the release, Azmin also lambasted Sarawak BN and its leadership for its corruption and cronyism, and challenged Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud to dissolve the Sarawak assembly immediately if the ruling coalition was confident of its showing in the coming state polls.

“I, Azmin, will defend Sarawak and be an advocate of the peoples of Sarawak. Agi idup agi ngelaban! (While I breathe, I hope!)" said Azmin.

Bian said Azmin's remarks sent “a very clear message” and reflect the “commitment” of PKR and Pakatan's leaders to the people of Sarawak.

“It is a resolute promise from PKR to right the wrong(s) suffered by Sarawak due to the neglect and failure of the BN government and to restore and honour the agreement made by our forefathers 47 years ago," said Bian in the release.

"All this while, local Sarawak parties have been harping on the point that only they can deliver what Sarawak and Sarawakians need.

“Azmin's declaration and promise very clearly shows that PKR at the national level understands local issues and will act on them and deliver to Sarawakians their greatest wish: full autonomy," he said.

- Malaysiakini

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