
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 4, 2010

BN language and meaning – rubbish government

One of the many spoofs in cyberspace

Dinesweri Puspanadan, Malaysia Chronicle

It’s amusing to see UMNO is barking about ‘Ketuanan Raja’. Don’t you think UMNO should flip through history. Who was the one who withdrew the Sultan’s power? Welcome to Malaysia!

MIC – racialist?

MIC is busy bashing Selangor state government for being racist for denying Indian students rights for Selangor state scholarship. Ironically, what MIC has been doing for past 52 years when every year UMNO denies PSD scholarship for many excellent Indian students?-Welcome to Malaysia!

Poor Malays

UMNO has been championing ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ for ages, yet 96 percent of poor are Malays- Welcome to Malaysia.

DayakBaru Thoughts

In Sarawak we have paradoxes because of our rubbish government.

With oil and gas and rich timber resources, Sarawak is one of the poorest State. Welcome to Sarawak.

With 20 points agreement before the formation of Malaysia, civil service control by Malaya. A secular state is now being driven towards an Islamic State – Welcome to Sarawak.

The Dayak has the most land and yet driven off from their long house because the land suddenly belong to the rich investor. Land title cannot be issued for fear Dayak will use the land for economic purposes. Welcome to Sarawak.

Timber licenses and provisional leases are given to political families and cronies while the real owner of the land allow only to be labourers. Welcome to Sarawak.

Any other race can form a political party but not the Dayak of Sarawak (MDC). Welcome to Sarawak.

Natives of Sarawak without birth certificate given red identity card, Muslim immigrant from Indonesia given MyKad and land titles. Welcome to Sarawak.

BN can make accusation and involved in dirty politics but when opposition conduct aggressive political campaigning, it resulted in white paper to keep them out. Welcome to Sarawak.

BN can criticize Opposition but Opposition cannot criticize BN, if they do the immigration will stop them from entering Sarawak. Welcome to Sarawak.

Muslim cannot pray to idols but a Muslim political leader in Sarawak has all sort of “idols” and bomoh in house to advise and protect him. Welcome to Sarawak.

Crocodile, orang utan have rights over forest etc but Penan have no rights to the forest. Welcome to Sarawak.

Most rural communities has no electricity but Sarawak has the biggest dam for power generation. Welcome to Sarawak.

In this blog we have BN cyber bloggers the like of Jugam, Dayaklama, Linda and even KOW. Look at what they write. They think they are smart by giving ass hole answer and response. Actually these bloggers reflect the truth – they came from rubbish government.

Change WE Must and buried the smelly rubbish of BN.

Police force is indulging in ‘trigger-happy acts’. Fatal shootings involving minors and innocent civilians is rampant, yet Home Minister claims that we are ‘safe’ – again, Welcome to Malaysia

Those who should set a good example and educate the younger generation are spreading racial slurs. However, when complaints are lodged against them, the tables are turned against the complainants. Deputy Minister of Eduction reprimands them lightly’, while on the other side, PM is sending a ‘strict warning’ against extremists? Welcome to Malaysia

Luxury summits, conferences, and forums are organized without fail but when it comes to action, everything also fails. Public money is wasted to boost some individuals’ public relation. Welcome to Malaysia.

Efficient PEMANDU introduces NKEA, ETP, NKRA, KPI and etc but no database has been set up to date to prove the efficiency of those plans. All remains beautifully on white pieces of paper. Welcome to Malaysia

Attorney General is hiding relevant documents from the defendant in Sodomy II, but PM claims that Anwar is getting a fair trial despite a slew of international calls to drop the case. Welcome to Malaysia

Parliament’s roof is leaking and a ‘Prophet’ pointed out that it is an act of God. Horrifying accidents occured in the past few months and flash floods hit some states recently. Are these also acts of God? Welcome to Malaysia

They can’t even admire a satirical piece yet they plan for some big nuclear thingy and charcoal plants. Welcome to Malaysia.

There are families saving and scrimping to try to make ends meet while SYABAS’s CEO is comfortably receiving RM425K salary every month. Welcome to Malaysia

Malaysians’ grouses about poor public transport fell on deaf ears but when a YB tried using public transport and ended up going to Parliament by foot after his trial failed, he was highlighted in a mainstream media. Welcome to Malaysia.

Technically Malaysia is in recession and every Malaysian with average knowledge is aware about this. Yet, it is surprising that some dim-witted people fail to see how Warisan Merdeka could be disastrous. Especially when KLCC is not fully occupied still.

First Lady is preaching about rescuing children from poverty as poverty will rob their basic rights to education. On the other hand, taxes on luxuries items are removed. Are you able to make sense of this? If you know what I mean that is, but welcome to Malaysia!

Warts and all Malaysia is our ‘unique’ country. In Malaysia, we do not go for quality but follow the majority. Some think that we are we are dim-witted. We are ignorant, yet we dream to be astronauts. But an astronaut must be a genuine one who really makes it to the moon or bring back valuable scientific specimens for testing. And not ‘wayang wayang’ – if you know what I mean.

But, welcome to Malaysia!

courtesy of DayakBaru

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