
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 6, 2010

BN's 4 diseases - delusion, amnesia, inertia and arrogance (not Umno, MCA, MIC and Gerakan!)

Gerakan's Koh, MCA's Chua, Umno's Najib and MIC's Samy
KUALA LUMPUR — Datuk Seri Najib Razak reminded Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties today of the “four diseases” inflicting members that have grown complacent in their long reign, warning that these would fuel hatred and anger against the government if ignored.

The BN chairman declared that the four “diseases” — delusion, amnesia, inertia and arrogance — often hit parties that were too long in power and failed to reflect on their own weaknesses.

“Firstly, the disease of delusion comes because the party has taken for granted that the support from the people will continue. Secondly, amnesia hits when a party has forgotten its purpose and the original objective of its struggles.

“Next, the inertia disease occurs when parties refuse to implement reforms or make changes. Finally, arrogance is born out of the attitude of refusing to accept advice from others.

“All these diseases, particularly arrogance, will only result in hatred from the people and disgust in our leadership,” Najib said in his opening speech at the ruling coalition’s national convention at Wisma MCA here this morning.

The premier expressed confidence that the ruling coalition had regained voter support but cautioned BN leaders against thumping their chests in victory.

“These four diseases must be avoided at all costs, be erased and removed before the [people’s] love is turn into hatred, hope into anger and support into opposition.

“To rise again, we must find a formula for recovery and implement that plan with consistency. That is what we are doing and will continue to do and only then can we achieve that big win that we dream of,” he told the crowd of over 2,000 BN delegates.

Najib preached for unity within BN’s organisation of 13 coalition partners, explaining that the key uniting factors in the ruling pact were wisdom, integrity and leadership with a vision and great interest.

“It is this interest that created a country that is peaceful, stable, developed and harmonious where all can receive protection and shelter, where in its abundance of natural resources, all can receive blessings, where in its peacefulness, all can build happy lives.

“Furthermore, when the time comes where each of us can rest assured, that our children and grandchildren and in turn, their children, will have a better future, a higher standard of living, a better quality of life, [and the ability] to realise their dreams and their God-given potential,” he said.

Najib also claimed that, despite accusations from opposition parties, BN never practised racism during its over half-century rule.

“The relationship among our races and how we have handled them in Malaysia is something that we can be proud of. We hold on to the universal principle that all men are created equal.

“History has shown that we never once fanned racial sentiments or were racist in our administrative policies,” he proclaimed.

Najib cited the example of racism in the US, pointing out that it had taken the global superpower 87 years after its independence to eradicate slavery.

“In Malaysia, since Merdeka, we never allowed race issues or the colour of a person’s skin to become a reason to stop people from registering as voters.

“So don’t any party try to deny that BN, as the true multiracial party, has been fighting for racial unity and harmony between the races all this time,” he said.

Najib also added that BN was “progressive” and honest in its shared principles, and had successfully developed the country’s socioeconomic status and ensured public order and safety.

As examples, the prime minister listed out his many transformation plans to drive Malaysia towards becoming a high-income economy. These included the Government Transformation Programme, the Economic Transformation Programme and Political Transformation Programme (PTP).

One example of the PTP, said Najib, was the recent amendment to BN’s charter to allow direct membership into the ruling coalition.

“We agreed to create four (new) kinds of membership in BN — affiliate membership, associate membership, friends of BN and fourth, the BN Rakan Muda club,” he said.

Najib pledged that BN would continue to match its struggles with the people’s needs and never allow itself to fall back into complacency.

He noted that the lessons of Election 2008, which saw the coalition suffer its worst-ever electoral defeat and lose its customary two-thirds parliamentary majority, had been learnt.

“From the Hulu Selangor, Galas and Batu Sapi episodes, it shows that the people’s support for us has returned.

“But we have never rested on our laurel or taken things for granted. We have toiled together with our constituency of one and many, you the people. These are exciting times, these are interesting and challenging times. We are a nation and a people at the crossroad of history, on the verge of the promised future.

“[T]he clarion call of manifest destiny is beckoning upon us to bring this great nation Malaysia to its fullest potential, to take its rightful place in the community of nation with dignity and pride, holding our head up high, thankful in the blessings of the providence,” he said.

Najib noted that BN’s “dacing” (scales) symbol was an emblem of BN’s balance of justice that would lead Malaysia towards success.

“Thus, I stand here and speak to you as a prime minister for all Malaysians that comprise of those of diverse races, calling on you not to be swayed by the crafty opposition, never ever board a damaged or leaking boat, this fake alliance that will be swept away by the storm,” he said.

Today’s convention comes in the wake of intense speculation that the premier is rallying his BN brethren to craft strategies for the coming polls.

This is the first time the component partners in BN have come together in a national meeting since Election 2008.

The BN convention, themed “1 People, 1 Nation, 1 Vision”, the first for the ruling coalition since it suffered its worst-ever electoral defeat in Elections 2008, goes on from 9am to 5pm today and will feature debates on a variety of topics from party component leaders.

- Malaysian Insider

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