I believe you, RPK, have lost your way, and perhaps even your marbles.
By righttruthspeaks
My dear RPK,
It grieves me to write this because I have always had the highest regard for you. I believed that we, Malaysians, needed patriots like you and more like you. We cannot depend forever on illustrious people like Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh etc. We need more Tony Puas, Ronnie Lius, Azmin Alis, Nurul Izzahs etc and of course, for this time a great personality like Anwar Ibrahim to deliver us from evil, the evil of umno-mca-mic-gerakan.
You were, I once felt, a Godsend, to light up the chances of the Opposition to dethrone the evil BN, and consign them, once and for all, to the dustbins of history. That after the next critcal General Elections, Malaysia and Malaysians will no longer live in the dark dark ages of the all-plundering, corrupted, adulterous and even murderous Barisan Nasionalkuku.
Of late I hear people saying things like RPK no longer supports Pakatan Rakyat etc. I read Malaysiakini and Malaysia-Today, and I seem to feel an ominous change in the air.
I believe you, RPK, have lost your way, and perhaps even your marbles. Has exile bitten into your patience, and resolve?
Today, more often than not, your articles seem to criticise the opposition, mainly Pakatan Rakyat more and more. You claim that this is because you want to be fair, but is that a cover you are hiding under? Fairness, yes, but should we be fair to evil??? Should we praise evil even if it seems to be better than good sometimes? Are they sincere or is it just a show?
You, like so many others who have good intentions, can no longer see the bigger picture. And the bigger picture is, GOOD is locked in a battle with EVIL and only one will survive. Evil cannot be given a second chance or any chance at all. It must be destroyed at all costs. Failure will mean more corruption, more adultery, more plunder of the nation's wealth, more ISA, more deaths at the police lock ups, more murders at MACC, more C4 murders ............ Does evil deserve ANY praise, even if you want to be "fair" ?
You cannot see the bigger picture, and you have lost the plot. Fighting evil is the hardest job, and one needs unrelenting resolve. Not all have it. Not all make it. You did a good job but maybe like Chandra Muzaffa, you have gotten tired (he was also seduced by money) and the harsh conditions of exile have become too cold to bear. I don't blame you, but the struggle needs special types of people. I thank you for all you have done; it was a dream but it was a good dream. I don't blame you, but please stop writing to appear fair.
Best regards and take care.
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