
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, December 10, 2010

GE and the making of Namewee into 1Malaysia's official rapper?

What will his other critic Khairy Jamaluddin say?
Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle

It is astonishing what a looming General Election can do. For example, it can turn controversial rapper Namewee from being the No. 1 enemy of Umno and Perkasa into a 'misunderstood youth' deserving of a chance to meet minister from the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Aziz - and in Parliament itself!

Namewee, whose real name is Wee Meng Chee, first fell out with Umno leaders because of his Negarakuku video that became a huge hit on You Tube several year ago.

Negarakuku had made fun of Malaysia's racial system and its preening leaders emboldened by 5 decades of political hegemony.

This year, the 25-year old rapper who trained at a music academy in Taiwan hit the headlines when he suddenly stuck his neck into a raging public debate over two school principals who had hurled racial slurs at their non-Malay pupils.

His protest condensed into a 6-minute video-clip entitled "Nah" immediately enraged ultra-Malay rights groups like Perkasa, who snarled and swore to make his life a misery by stalking him.

But Nah was a 'god-send' for Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who had been scratching his head for a way out of the school-principals impasse. How could he - a Malay first and Malaysian second - punish two Malay teachers and hope to escape a tongue-lashing from the conservatives in his own Umno party?

Namewee's naughty tape containing vulgar and obscene language provided the 'perfect' bargaining tool for Muhyiddin. To quell a Chinese community outraged at being told by Johor headmistress, Siti Inshah, to 'balik Tongsan' or go back to China, Namewee was arrested, interrogated and threatened with Umno's favourite weapon - sedition charges!

But public anger has since cooled although it is doubtful that the non-Malays have forgotten or will ever forget the insults of the two principals.

More importantly, a general election is coming. No surprises then that to win the hearts and minds of the young Chinese, Prime Minister Najib Razak and his administration is now ready to embrace Namewee.

Perhaps, they may even declare him their latest 1 Malaysia mascot!

Malaysia Chronicle appends below a news report on Namewee's meeting with Nazri and their subsequent press conference

Namewee meets Nazri over film funding
Controversial singer Wee Meng Chee today held a short meeting with de facto Law Minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz over difficulties in obtaining government grants for his movie.

Wee, better known as Namewee, met Nazri today at Parliament to inform him about the new film, titled Nasi Lemak 2.0, and his futile eight-month effort to secure government grants.

He had previously claimed that the government's requirement for most of the script to be in Bahasa Malaysia to qualify for grants as discriminatory and not in line with the 1Malaysia spirit.

During the 10-minute meeting, Wee had expressed his wish to personally inform Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak about the predicament faced by him and other film makers.

At a press conference later, Nazri said that he would raise the matter with the premier during Friday's cabinet meeting.

Nazri defends Wee

Nazri also defended Wee, who's numerous music videos have irked conservative Muslims, especially Malay rights pressure group, Perkasa.

The minister said that Wee was merely trying to address the grouses of the younger generation and was not being racist.

"I met this young man today and nothing of what he has done is against the law," said Mohd Nazri.

"I think the Malay mainstream media, bloggers and the community has misunderstood him. I hope they will give him a chance.

"He is young. If he does something wrong don't just jump the gun and come to your own conclusions from what other people say,” he said.

This is the second time Wee had sought a meeting with Mohd Nazri. The earlier one was set for Sept 30 but was cancelled at the eleventh hour.

Wee had produced a video, taken off his blog since, showcasing a three-minute rap song using using profanities against incidents of racism in Malaysia.

The video was specifically targeted at the heads of a school in Kedah and another in Johor, both of whom had allegedly uttered racial slurs against non-Malay students.

"I have to save this young man because... the Malay community is very upset over a statement I made in Parliament that action will be taken against the two principals and they argued why no action is not taken against Namewee," he said.

"He is young. If he does something wrong don't just jump the gun and come to your own conclusion from what other people say," he said.

Grossly misunderstood

Mohd Nazri added that only the principals and the aggrieved parties, who Namewee had offended can take any action against him.

"But I think Namawee has been grossly misunderstood and misrepresented by some of the media... and I think the principals also want to stop this issue from blowing out of proportion.

"This young man is typical of his age. I don't look at him as a racist, I don't think he's even a politician so we shouldn't be dragging him into something which in the first place he doesn't want to get involved in," said Mohd Nazri, adding that Wee had been "gravely misunderstood".

"He is only interested in music and how it can give messages to his peers. We know that he has over 70,000 fans and has given me his explanation of what he has done (to rectify his mistakes).

"I think he has potential, we can help, and he will be able to become an artiste one day," he added.

The minister explained that Wee did not intent to create enemies. "He told he was nervous coming here but I told him that he had done nothing wrong, he didn't have to worry."

Wee looking quite relieved after the meeting, insisted that he is a "patriotic Malaysian" and complained that mainstream media "always choose" to highlight his controversial videos and "made me into someone that I am not, like a hantu (ghost)".

"I admit that some of my videos are controversial ,especially when dealing with social issues but I honestly have no intention of hurting anyone.

"And if I ever had offended some of you please accept my apologies. I hope that in future you can either give me a chance (and) go check out my other videos to get to know the real Namewee.

"Or alternatively please, choose not to watch my videos again," he said.

- Malaysiakini

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