
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, December 13, 2010

Ibrahim Ali damage-controls for Najib: Singapore "jealous" of Malaysia

'Jaguh-kampung' Ibrahim Ali claims to speak for the Malays
I am not surprised with the WikiLeaks report about Singapore... they are the ones that actually practice ‘politik sempit’ (narrow-minded politics). They have been holding a grudge against Malaysia for a long time - Ibrahim Ali

KUALA LUMPUR - Datuk Ibrahim claimed today that a WikiLeaks expose on Singapore’s damning assessment of Malaysia revealed the island republic’s “jealous” nature.

The Perkasa president said Singapore had been holding a “grudge” against Malaysia for a long time, and that the harsh remarks made by the country’s senior government officials only showed its “true colours.”

“I am convinced that they (Singapore) are really jealous of Malaysia as they are not happy with Malaysia on many things.

“I am not surprised with the WikiLeaks report about Singapore... they are the ones that actually practice ‘politik sempit’ (narrow-minded politics). They have been holding a grudge against Malaysia for a long time,” Ibrahim told reporters today.

Leaked US State Department cables had revealed Singapore senior government officials as saying that Malaysia’s “decline” was due to “incompetent politicians”.

The WikiLeaks’ leaked information was published in two major Australian news publications yesterday — Sunday Age and The Sun-Herald.

The expose in the Sunday Age disclosed discussions between senior US officials and their Singapore counterparts Peter Ho, Bilahari Kausikan and Tommy Koh.

All three Singaporeans gave damning assessments of Malaysia.

The discussions between the Singaporean and US officials took place in 2008 and 2009. These officials were also less than complimentary about Malaysia’s prime ministers, past and present, with one of them calling Datuk Seri Najib Razak “an opportunist”.

Responding to this, Ibrahim also alleged that Singapore had vested interest in wanting to cause discord in Malaysia.

“I think they have their own agenda, and they also have political allies in Malaysia. The DAP was once part of Singapore’s PAP (People’s Action Party).

“They just want to mess around with Malaysia because they are not satisfied with Malaysia’s achievements,” said the Pasir Mas MP.

- Malaysian Insider

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