
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Malaysians, your country has class - treated foreigners much better than their own

by uppercaise
If talented foreigners get special treatment to come and live here, what about talented Malaysians who lived here all their lives? Yesterday’s announcement of a new class of immigration permit gives a subtle hint: talented Malaysians are second-class.

The new 10-year residential pass, not tied to employers, with spouses given the right to work, applies to “talented” foreigners. Until official criteria are released, who knows how talent will be defined? Even then, few will know what unofficial criteria, the back-room criteria that officials determine among themselves and party cadres, will result in action.

Oh, incidentally, and by the way, “talented foreigners” also applies to those “traitor” Malaysians who emigrated years ago and who were then vilified by Umno officials, and sometimes MCA and MIC officials too, as “rubbish” for leaving. Most of them were Nons but in later years many non-Nons have also left.

(The word “traitor” of course applies to anyone who doesn’t kiss Umno’s racist arse.)

But now that you’re a Non-Malaysian, besides being a Non, you’re also welcome to the new long-stay permits. If you’re talented.

And when you arrive, you can be sure there will be huge gushing stories in the New Straits Times and the Star, being mostly read by the Nons. “Welcome home”, you can be sure they’ll say, even if they don’t believe it themselves.


But you’re no longer Malaysian. This is home? Can you still make noise about your rights? (Rights? You have rights?) Or about the state of the nation? It’s almost the same state of the nation that made you leave in the first place.

Only difference is, you can’t make noise about it now. So you can stay. Bring your money. And your talent. Share your skills and knowledge among us non-talented and the non-Nons. Help to develop the “nation”. Use your expertise to make money for the ruling class of the keris party and their second-class partners.

As for talented native-born Malaysians, especially the talented Nons (Talent? You have talent?) the message is simple — go away and be talented elsewhere. After that you can come back.

In other words, give up your rights, then your talent will be recognised.

An unsponsored message from
the Apco, McKenzie, BCG upper class

You! Non! Shaddup!

Better if you’re a “foreign” foreigner and not a Malaysian-born foreigner, of course. Foreign foreigners never had a stake in this country. And won’t remember the need to make noise about rights. (Rights? You have rights?). And you’re only here for the money. You won’t make noise.

Is that too far-fetched? In making the announcement yesterday, the prime minister made reference to the talented Jimmy Choo and Danny Quah. Why point out Nons who left?

Would the talented Jimmy Choo and Danny Quah been recognised had they not gone abroad? How many Jimmy Choos and Danny Quahs live among us today, unrecognised, without the prospect of recognition, and without the opportunity to be recognised?

Look around. Look at the newspapers. Watch television. Who gets recognition? Whose less-than-spectacular achievements are glorified? Whose real achievements are grudgingly acknowledged, with faint and niggardly praise?

Are you a talented Malaysian? You are now semi-officially second-class.

Non-talented Malaysians and other Nons: logically, you are now semi-officially third-class.

Foreigners are now first-class.

And above everyone else is the ruling class. You know who they are.

So be proud of Malaysia. Love your country. It has class.


courtesy of uppercaise

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