
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, December 23, 2010

MCA cries foul over 1 Malaysia billboard ban

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 23 — The MCA today accused the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government of enforcing divisive politics in banning Putrajaya’s 1 Malaysia billboard advertisements.

The Chinese party added that the state administration was sending out a dangerous message that ran against the agenda to promote national unity by stopping Barisan Nasional (BN) symbols and logos from being displayed on the ads.

The BN’s second biggest party urged the Selangor PR to learn the difference between the party lines and a government programme.

“The ruling ban is a show of arrogance and abuse of authority by the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat Government,” MCA central committee member, Datuk Ti Lian Ker said in a media statement today.

“What sort of ‘ketuanan rakyat’ is being displayed when the state exco’s order reflects intolerance on unity despite preaching from a multiracial platform?” he questioned.

Ti was responding to news reports that the 1 Malaysia billboard ads put up in Selangor state were being torn down, allegedly for breaching local council rules.

A shopkeeper in Klang had complained that the Kuala Langat district council had ripped off a 1 Malaysia poster he had put up in front of the store despite getting approval to do so in September this year.

“Is the Selangor exco implying that in future, political personalities cannot have posters of officials although they are working in a government capacity? Ti asked.

“The Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government ought to learn to distinguish between party lines and a government programme,” he advised.

English daily The Star had earlier today reported state housing and local government committee chief, Ronnie Liu, remarking that the 1 Malaysia billboard ads were a political message from the BN federal government and were not allowed under local laws.

“You don’t see any billboard in Selangor carrying the PKR, PAS or DAP logo.

“Local government by-laws in Selangor clearly state that political symbols cannot be used on billboard advertisements,” Liu was quoted saying.

The Selangor exco stressed the law was not new, dismissing the idea it was a PR tactic against it’s political foe.

But Ti, who is also MCA bureau chief in charge of non-government organizations, did not seem to buy Liu’s argument.

“Selangor exco Ronnie Liu’s feeble attempt at explaining the instruction smacks of a political agenda is akin to a childish version of a tit-for-tat action against the Barisan Nasional federal government framework for inclusivity,” he said.

Ti called on Selangor PR to act their role as “leaders of the nation” and not abuse their office for political reasons that may harm nation-building efforts.

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