
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, December 9, 2010

Repentance or Political Rhetoric: Will Najib be BN's last emperor

The Last Emperor is not Shakespeare but the drama is similar
Dinesweri Puspanadan, Malaysia Chronicle

William Shakespeare's pieces, despite the generation and culture gaps, are relevant even today. His avid fans would definitely remember his most bloody and tragic play; Titus Andronicus.

Titus Andronicus depicts a set of horrific scenes(at that particular time I mean) of gruesome murder, rape,and cannibalism. Titus Andronicus, the tragic hero of this play is a noble Roman with unquestionable patriotism to the State of Rome triggered a disastrous revenge in Tamora(Queen of Goth) by sacrificing her eldest son in the name of religious duty.

What might take the readers aback is Titus' blind loyalty to the State of Rome to the extent he killed his own son, Muties as he believed that Muties' deed to disobey the Emperor was equivalent to being unpatriotic to the State of Rome.

His blind patriotism surpassed the basic affection and love especially for his sons and muted him from speaking up for his child, Lavinia whose tongue and hands chopped off by Tamora's sons after raping her brutally.

Although Titus was aware that the Emperor was not fit to be crowned, traditional customs, unquestionable patriotism thrust him from speaking up against the immorality of the Emperor which in turn beefed up Tamora's confidence to pursue her revenge, and at the end the 'power-pact' Tamora-Titus was destroyed.

In short, Titus Andronicus is a portrayal of bastardized political reformation in a landscape scarred terribly by uncaring and selfish power-crazed figures.

Malaysia's version of Titus Andronicus

In Malaysia, the background and time-zone may be different but the context is eerily similar. We have our Emperor who keeps mum for all the misbehavior and misdeeds of his teammates. Ironically, he continues to preach about 'disastrous illnesses', admonishes extremism in his speeches (yes, he has a good speech writer!). It is understood that he wants to score a landslide victory or at least redeem the two-thirds majority in the Parliament, but the sincerity in his intention is in question.

People's basic rights are barred and freedom of speech is slashed. We are 'tongueless' and who ever speaks up is labelled as 'traitor' or 'unpatriotic' by Najib's 'God-sent' team players.

Politicians have been raping the citizens' welfare and people's education and economy are screwed up. As a result, many Malaysians give up on the current system and migrate as the grass is greener on the other side.

BN-Anwar revenge continues. Fabricated Sodomy 2 is heating up and some pundits claim that chances for Anwar to be convicted is high despite the circus taking place in the kangaroo court.

Some BN loyalists are sacrificed in the name of 'upholding justice'. PKFZ and Khir Toyo's land issue indicate that BN is trying to fix their wrongdoings. However, they fail to see that the young voters are aware about the political rhetoric. A simple question to forward is, why now?

Elected leaders who supposedly serve the people are instead sucking their blood. The government continues to subsidize corporate companies but subsidy on necessities for people are removed. What is the justification for implementation of ETP when only 15.8% of the households have an income of between RM5,001 and RM10,000 and 4.9% have an income of RM10,000 and above?

Repentance or Political Rhetoric

What is the ending of our nation's inefficient governance? It is either a change in the government or the elected leaders repent! So far we do not see any signal for repentance apart from some dirty tricks are staged repeatedly.

Tun M's act to wash hand from Perkasa(temporarily), a call to defend 'Ketuanan Melayu', PKFZ and Khir Toyo 'staged' enforcement of law and order, Samy Velu's most awaited departure, direct membership, BN's openness to negotiate with the Third force signal that BN is brushing up for next GE.

Food for Thought

Is BN ready to abandon their race cause, establish a transparent governance and place people's welfare as their top priority after winning the snap polls? Would the BN's new and shiny charter remain as a mere blue print or will it be implemented immediately ?

And does every BN crony have the courage to give up their race-based party philosophy and walk the talk of the 1 Malaysia that they have been chanting of non-stop, but have done nothing about until now?

Many may suggest to vote PR in to Putrajaya.What if PR is no different from BN?We will never know until PR is crowned as the ruling coalition. At least, they have been consistent and have shone in governing the states of Penang and Selangor.

Perhaps you think the Third Force should lead! Can you guarantee an ideal government by this Third Force? Again, we are not sure. But can we afford another disastrous and inefficient government led by a completely un-tested and so-called 'independent' bloc? What if they turn out to be the BN in disguise?

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