
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Time for IGP Ismail Omar to act against A-G Gani Patail and former IGP Musa Hassan

As a caution to Ismail, let me remind him that the alternative media has been very patient with him. They are giving him space to breathe and to settle down. But enough time has passed and too much exposes have been made about the crimes of Musa Hassan and A-G Gani Patail.


Deep Throat Bukit Aman

In 2007, Malaysia Today ran a series of articles that started with ‘All Roads Lead to Putrajaya’ that revealed how the crime syndicates were in the midst of a massive nationwide reorganisation. But it was not the Chinese triad leaders or the Chinese underworld gangsters who were embarking on this reorganisation effort. Malaysia Today revealed that the move was being engineered by the former IGP Musa Hassan and that shady character named BK Tan.

Malaysia Today revealed the corporatisation plan to place all the illegal loan sharking or Along syndicates under BK Tan’s national scheme to legalise them as licensed money lending companies. Musa Hassan and AG Gani Patail used the MACC to release that criminal Goh Cheng Poh @ Tengku Goh by making the MACC arrest six rank and file policemen and charge them for fabricating evidence against Musa Hassan.

They were afraid that Tengku Goh would spill the beans on them, which in fact Goh was already doing when he mentioned his relationship with Musa Hassan in affidavits that he filed.

Malaysia Today also ran the series of Statutory Declarations (SDs) by numerous policemen including Musa Hassan’s own ADC, ASP Azizul, who accused his boss and BK Tan of fixing the PDRM ’s hierarchy very much in the same fashion that VK Linggam fixed the appointments in the Judiciary.

Malaysia Today then posted a series called ‘The Untold MAS Story Parts 1 to 10’ which detailed how Tajudin Ramli plundered Malaysia Airlines and how AG Gani Patail in collusion with rogue elements in the Police covered up for Tajudin. Malaysia Today also revealed that the reason why former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi took no action despite being briefed by the MAS Board and Dato’ Ramli Yusuff, then Director CCID, was because Abdullah’s family was also fleecing MAS to the bones.

That was also why Abdullah Badawi extended Musa Hassan’s contract for two years at one go despite the mounting crime rate then.

Recently, KL CID Chief Dato Mat Zain bin Ibrahim posted two open letters that were addressed to IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar. In his ‘SURAT TERBUKA KEDUA’, Mat Zain made further specific and damaging accusations against Musa Hassan and Gani Patail in more scathing language and alleged that these two scumbags had even manipulated evidence during the Royal Commission Inquiry in the ‘Anwar Black Eye Incident’.

Mat Zain’s sarcastic tirade included a reference to AG Gani Patail’s fraud in the Pedra Branca case, which resulted in Singapore winning the case before the International Court of Justice. He did not mince his words in accusing AG Gani Patail of fabrication and single-handedly destroying the criminal justice system of the country:

“Bayangkanlah apa yang boleh enam puloh lima (65) muka surat dokumen yang dipalsukan atas arahan Peguam Negara-Peguam Negara, boleh lakukan terhadap Sistem Keadilan Jenayah kita.”

Mat Zain also accused AG Gani Patail of trying to suborn him, which led to their head-on collision:

“…yang menyebabkan pertembungan “head-on” antara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail (TSGP) dengan saya.”

In the face of these accusations by Mat Zain, AG Gani Patail and Musa Hassan have been extremely quiet. If Mat Zain is lying, then Gani Patail could easily have charged him for criminal defamation under s. 499 of the Penal Code.

That was the charge that Gani Patail filed against Raja Petra Kamarudin who had accused the Prime Minister’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, of being present when that Mongolian woman, Altantuya Shaariibuu, was blown up to bits with army issued C4 plastic explosives at Bukit Cahaya.

A-G Gani Patail’s silence is deafening. This silence could only mean acquiescence and admission.

Malaysia Today then made the expose about AG Gani Patail’s relationship with Tajudin Ramli and his proxy, Shahidan Shafie. This series of exposes included Tabung Haji documents and pictures of Gani Patail’s family and Shahidan being booked as a family for the Haj pilgrimage, including sharing rooms.

Again, Gani Patail chose to remain silent.

Against this backdrop, enter Tan Sri Robert Phang, the MACC’s Panel of Adviser, who demanded that AG Gani Patail explain his conduct. Only a few days ago Phang issued a scathing press statement singling AG Gani Patail as the main stumbling block that the MACC and Government face in creating the right perception about their seriousness in eradicating corruption.

The point of this all is, why is the MACC doing nothing? Perhaps, Mat Zain is conscious of the fact that the MACC would not dare make any move against AG Gani Patail. Perhaps, that is why Mat Zain has written to the new IGP Ismail Omar, hoping that Ismail, who is yet untainted, would do something.

He is banking on Ismail to show his true mettle as the IGP.

So far, Ismail Omar has a clean reputation. Musa Hassan wanted someone docile as his Deputy IGP, someone whom he could easily dominate, someone whom Musa did not actually intend would succeed him as IGP. That was why Musa chose Ismail Omar whom Musa considered as docile, inhibitive and compliant - qualities that Musa later capitalised on as justification why Ismail Omar was not ready to succeed him as IGP.

Fortunately, the Home Minister saw through Musa Hassan’s ruse and he put the IGP to pasture in a most unceremonious way. That was probably the best thing that Hishammuddin Hussein has ever done thus far as Home Minister.

Ismail Omar is now the IGP. In his hands are all the wide powers under the Police Act, the Criminal Procedure Code and all the Emergency Laws that he can easily invoke to order a probe on Musa Hassan and A-G Gani Patail. Will Ismail Omar rise to the occasion or will he be just another disappointment?

Ismail should realise that this is his big break. This is his opportunity to get out of the shadow of Musa Hassan. This is his chance to restore the Polis DiRaja Malaysia to its old glory.

So, Ismail, will you accept this challenge?

As a caution to Ismail, let me remind him that the alternative media has been very patient with him. They are giving him space to breathe and to settle down. But enough time has passed and too much exposes have been made about the crimes of Musa Hassan and A-G Gani Patail.

If Ismail does not want to act based on the disclosures made by Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) because RPK was a fugitive, that is not the case anymore. The charges against RPK have all been dismissed (DNAA). RPK is no longer a fugitive. He is simply in self-exile.

We can still forgive Ismail Omar if he doesn’t want to believe ‘fugitive’ RPK. But we cannot forgive him if he fails to act after the two ‘SURAT TERBUKA’ from Dato’ Mat Zain Ibrahim. We cannot forgive him after the MACC Adviser, Tan Sri Robert Phang, had twice publicly chided A-G Gani Patail. We cannot forgive him if he remains docile, inhibitive and compliant or if he shows impotence in discharging his duties as IGP. We cannot forgive him if he tries to sweep all these under the carpet by remaining silent.

Ismail Omar must not forget that even Pak Lah was not spared by his elegant silence to the mounting criticisms against his administration. In the end, Pak Lah was swept out of office.

If Ismail Omar does not act swiftly as is expected of him then he must be prepared to be attacked just as severely, if not more severely, than his predecessor, that scumbag Musa Hassan. Ismail had better act fast and firm. Otherwise, he will be swept away by the Tsunami of the public’s anger.

Ismail, it is time for you to act now!

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