
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Treasury bankruptcy: BN is punishing us with more price hikes

Recently, the prime minister and Umno president Najib Rzak said that the people were starting to trust BN and returning to its fold, so today he punished the people by increasing the prices of essential items.

The price of RON95 increased this morning by five sen to RM1.90 per litre, diesel by five sen per litre to RM1.80 and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) by five sen to RM1.90 per kg. Sugar will also cost 20 sen more at RM2.10 per kg.

The announcement of these price hikes came as a surprise, as it was only made known late of last night, when people are already at home after a long work week to rest and start a afresh for a nice weekend today.

Unfortunately, today's weekend had turned into a worst nightmare for all of us. Because of the price hike for the above essential items, the people now fear those price hikes would also affect the other essential items and services. Example, fuel hikes would spell an increase on the transportation costs, and services.

So, after the people "were starting to trust BN and returning to BN", is this the way you return the people after they "voted" you in swing? The Umno-led BN federal government had indeed cheated the people and the electorate entirely.

We are certain that the Umno-dominated federal government had felt the pain after much of its funds in the treasury were used for a number of by-election campaign promises, bribes, vote buying and some other several ad-hoc projects in order to regain the people's vote it lost in the last general election.

Then, after giving away some millions of Ringgit to the people in the by-elections, and they won a few recently, the BN leaders now said it is time to take their money back from the people. That is why they increased the prices of the fuel and the other essential items by surprise.

The federal government had no choice, because their treasury is almost empty and bankrupt. Minister in the prime minister's department Idris Jala's statement made earlier was correct. His government had gone bankrupt by now. That is why they are pulling back the subsidies from the people.

The federal government had never trust the people and electorate at all. That is why they are pulling back whatever was given to the people. First they urge people to vote them, promising and showering the people gifts, assistance, cash and incentives but after they achieved victory, they said, its time to take back.

The taxes, revenues and other services that we had paid this federal government, where had all these funds went to? Yes, right into the pockets of their political elites and cronies. These political bastards are getting richer and wealthier while the ordinary people are suffering down there because of all these price increases.

This not Ketuanan Melayu at all. It has nothing to do with the Malay rulers completely. It is actually Ketuanan Umno. Why must we vote for them again. Also, a vote for MCA is also a vote to Umno. Same goes to MIC, Gerakan, PPP, SUPP and the rest. Simply, a vote for the entire BN coalition means a vote for Umno and its Ketuanan agenda.

What our people got in the end? Suffering!

courtesy of Socio-Economy, Political & Education

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