
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 5, 2010

Umno lawyers good enough to audition for comedy double-acts

One of the top acts in town
Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysia Chronicle

The minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mohamed Nazri Aziz quashed PKR’s “ketuanan rakyat” and stressed that it did not grant the people full power to decide their government leaders and that it went against the constitutional monarchy system.

Nazri was adamant when interviewed: “I am not only a lawyer, I am also in politics”.

If only he hadn’t said those words.

We all have certain stereotypes about people in particular professions and politicians top the list of people we really don’t trust. And, lawyers are alleged to be in the top ten of the same list.

When Nazri said “I am not only a lawyer, I am also in politics” he is inviting ridicule.

It is like asking, “Would you like to be bitten by a Great White shark or a Bull shark? Or if you prefer, a Malayan pit viper or a King cobra?”

How many people can forget the recent comedy act from another Malaysian lawyer?

His name is Abdul Razak Musa, the lawyer representing the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission. He cross examined Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand in the inquest into the death of Teoh Beng Hock, a DAP political aide who died in mysterious circumstances.

Abdul Razak sought to discredit Pornthip but in the end made a fool of himself. He suggested that Teoh ‘strangled himself’ and was ‘depressive’. Abdul Razak amused the court with a comical demonstration of ‘strangling himself'.

Abdul Razak suggested that Pornthip’s report was “based on her imagination” and queried if Pornthip had “any experience jumping off a building”.

Abdul Razak asked the bemused pathologist if an unconscious body would be heavier than a conscious or possibly dead one. He even accused Pornthip of having “already made up her mind (against suicide)”.

From Little and Large, to Laurel and Hardy, comedy partnerships have proven a winning formula.

The secret of success would be the right balance of chemistry, slap-stick humour (Abdul Razak has demonstrated these in court), fluidity in feeding each other lines and playing the fool, when required (no problems there for either).

Thus, if Nazri needed a change of job (a possibility perhaps after the next general election) and is sick of being a politician or even a lawyer, he could team up with Abdul Razak, in a duo-comedy act. Terrestial television might benefit from increased ratings then.

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