
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why I am a loose cannon

The opposition can’t even take a small slap on the face. I kick Umno and Barisan Nasional in their balls but I give the opposition a small slap. And when I do they scream that I have been bought over by Umno or Najib.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anwar acts to stem WikiLeak effect on sodomy case

(AFP) - Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim Monday moved to stem the impact on his sodomy trial of US cables released by WikiLeaks claiming he had sex with a male aide in a honey trap set by enemies.

Anwar's lawyer Sankara Nair told AFP he will file a complaint with the court hearing Anwar's sodomy case over articles in the local media which could affect the former deputy premier's ongoing trial.

Most newspapers in the country carried the allegations on their front page with influential Malay daily Utusan Malaysia running a headline stating: "Singapore spy agency verifies sodomy act".

"Clearly it's a case of subjudice, it's hearsay and conjecture, intelligence reports are not based on facts generally, they are based on rumours and I have served in the security services before so I know that the last thing you do is to trust such a report," said Nair.

"The judge must call up the newspapers and ask them to explain why they wrote the piece and to show their proof."

"If they can't do this then they will be cited for contempt," he added.

"If this is not sinister then it is totally unethical reporting. I have advised my client to file a lawsuit against these papers as well."

The leaked US state department cables from November 2008 were given to Australia's Fairfax media group, which reported Sunday the Australian and Singapore intelligence agencies' assessment of Anwar's ongoing case.

"The Australians said that Singapore's intelligence services and (former prime minister) Lee Kuan Yew have told ONA (Office of National Assessments) in their exchanges that opposition leader Anwar 'did indeed commit the acts for which he is currently indicted'," the cable read.

"ONA assessed, and their Singapore counterparts concurred, 'it was a set-up job and he probably knew that, but walked into it anyway'," according to the cable.

Anwar, 63, has vehemently denied sodomising his aide, 25-year-old Mohamad Saiful Bukhari Azlan, claiming he was the victim of a political conspiracy.

He faces 20 years in prison if found guilty of sodomy, a serious crime in Malaysia.

Human Rights Watch has urged Malaysia to drop the charges against Anwar, condemning the case as a "charade of justice".


Back in 2002-2004 when I was managing the party newspaper called Suara Keadilan I would often clash with Anwar Ibrahim and the party leaders. I used to receive memos from Anwar all the way from the Sungai Buloh Prison chiding me about something I had written.

Suara Keadilan is a party newspaper and I therefore should not write anything that is critical of the party or of the opposition. Eventually I was relieved of the task of writing the editorial and that week I published the newspaper with a blank page where the editorial should have been.

That made them even more pissed with me.

It came to a stage where Anwar/PKR and I could no longer see eye-to-eye so I decided to launch Malaysia Today and soon after that -- after an incident at the party convention in Ipoh that almost resulted in me coming to blows with Anwar’s security detail -- I left Suara Keadilan to focus on Malaysia Today full time.

I am what the PKR leaders call a loose cannon. That is because I not only whack Umno and Barisan Nasional but the opposition as well. And this is what they don’t like.

Of late I have been receiving a lot of hate mail calling me a Trojan horse and saying that I have been bought off and so on. Some of the hate mail is real nasty. Just read the comments on the Internet about what they say about me to get an idea of what I mean.

I seem to be rapidly emerging as the most hated Blogger in Malaysia. Should I take that as a compliment?

But how can I not become the most hated Blogger? For example, read the AFP report above. Many are upset about the Wikileaks report on Anwar. They scream subjudice, hearsay, unfounded rumours, conspiracy, and whatnot. They feel it is unfair or unethical of Wikileaks to publish a report on an issue where the trial is still going on.

I believe in applying the same standards for all. I don’t believe in different standards for different people and moving the goalposts halfway through the game. I have said this before and have been very consistent in saying it.

Many opposition people, however, believe in two different standards -- one for the ruling party and one for the opposition. In this case this makes the Pakatan Rakyat people just like the Barisan Nasional people because the Barisan Nasional too believe in the same thing -- that there should be one rule for the ruling party and another for the opposition.

Sure, I agree, the trial is still ongoing so we should not comment about a trial that is still ongoing. But since when has the opposition ever respected this rule?

During the Sodomy 1 trial we whacked Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad kaw kaw and said all sorts of things about him in relation to the issue about how he fixed Anwar up. Now in the Sodomy 2 trial we whack Najib Tun Razak and accuse him of also fixing up Anwar.

In fact, Malaysia Today has published so much information about the matter from the meeting Rodzwan had with Saiful in the Concorde Hotel and Dr Osman’s medical notes and whatnot that if the government decided to charge me for contempt of court I would be in jail for a long, long time.

When Malaysia Today leaks secrets and confidential papers about something unfavourable to the government no one screams. And Malaysia Today has done so not only in relation to Anwar’s trial. The Khir Toyo matter, the PKFZ matter, the Rosli Dahlan matter, the Datuk Ramli Yussuf matter, the Tajuddin Ramli matter, the Saiful bonking the DPP matter, the AG bonking his director international affairs matter, etc., all have been exposed inMalaysia Today even as the trials were still proceeding.

No lah, stop crying like a baby. Whoever said that this is a fair fight? Of course it is not a fair fight. Who the hell cares whether the fight is fair or not? Do we not also fight dirty whenever we can get away with it?

Look at the spins from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat about me. Even the mainstream media has written a lot of lies about me. I am in Brisbane. I live in Trinity Court in London. Kalimullah is supporting and financing me. I got drunk and fell into a monsoon drain in London although there are no drains in the whole of London. I am a fugitive although there are no pending charges against me. And so on and so forth.

The fight is dirty. But I don’t cry about it. I just fight back. And when I hit back I hit back harder than they can ever hit me.

The opposition can’t even take a small slap on the face. I kick Umno and Barisan Nasional in their balls but I give the opposition a small slap. And when I do they scream that I have been bought over by Umno or Najib.

Sheesh, macam ni nak memerentah negara kah? Come on! Grow up! Learn how to take what you give others. You know how to whack but you can’t stand getting whacked back.

Today I am considered an enemy of Pakatan Rakyat. But if I bodek Pakatan Rakyat and whack Barisan Nasional then I am a true son of Malaysia, a patriot. This is the way the opposition mind works. And we want them to run this country?

When Wikileaks leaked secrets negative to the government and its leaders you clapped and cheered and said that Wikileaks is a gift from God. Now that the shoe is on the other foot you scream about conspiracy and subjudice.

Tolong lah! Kalau takut kena pukul jangan cari gadoh. Kalau berani gadoh mestilah terima yang kadang-kadang kena pukul balek. Itu baru kita panggil anak jantan.

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