
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, February 25, 2011

The BN feel-good factor

Muhyiddin said the "feel good" factor was based on the victories achieved by BN candidates in the past several by-elections.
He said the BN had undertaken political transformation. "This transformation process started by the prime minister has already produced a positive impact which the people can see for themselves compared to what is being done by the opposition," he said.
On the Merlimau by-election, Muhyiddin advised the BN's election machinery not to be over confident although the people now favoured the BN.

If our DPM TanSri Muhyiddin Yassin speaks, we should sit up and listen. His optimistic outlook is a point for the Country to rejoice. Lately, he has predicted a big win in Sarawak, despite PKR’s chief strategist vowing a 25-30 seat win. Mind you, it’s rather doubtful, with so many opposition parties vying for the same seats.

The state of Kedah will return to BN as predicted. Kerdau and Merlimau constituencies are a foregone conclusion that will pave the way for a general election to come sometime this November or at the latest by April 2012. But who knows it might be earlier?

Already preparations are completed to ensure the State of Perak does not slip away from the clutches of BN again. Selangor is rather shaky...like the earthquake in New Zealand.

The Feel Good Factor is already embracing the air around us. It is beyond doubt that BN will regain its rightful place as the government of the day. Once BN has achieved its majority, the country will start to reinvent itself, and everything will fall back into place.

The Opposition can scream and shout, and the Alternative Media can still portray a brave face to the people. But it is not going to change the political mood. BN is here to stay.

UMNO will capture most of the seats. MCA, GERAKAN and MIC this time round has to garner enough support to regain their voice in Parliament. If Non Malays continue to vote Opposition, it will create a vacuum in BN. Without strong representation in Parliament, Non Malays will continue to lose out in the long run. UMNO does not want to rule alone, but it doesn’t want to appoint all the Tom, Dick, and Harry’s to senatorial positions in the government.

SO while the Malays continue their support for UMNO, the Non Malays should seriously get their act together to support BN’s other parties. The last thing anybody wants is another hung parliament. Don’t worry about UMNO. Concentrate on the minority component parties of BN that needs all your support to regain their seats. Once they win, your voices will once again be heard loud and clear.

While BN’s election machinery is faithfully going to the ground, the grassroots, and the fence sitters, we have to ask ourselves what we are doing about it. Are we just going to sit and hope that everything will be all right? Or are we going to listen to the Opposition ranting about the need for a strong Opposition to maintain check and balance? Are they hoping for sympathy votes?

This is the time that your nation needs you. We should take the initiative now and lend a hand of support by ensuring as many of our citizens gets to vote and show our Nation who’s boss..

Or are you going to sit and wait for BN to die a natural death? The recent ongoing registration exercise for homeless Malaysians of Indian descent, that did not have birth certificates, and Red IC’s proves that BN does have a big heart.

BN is our insurance policy for the last 50 years. If they go, so will our insurance policy. Can the Opposition be trusted to insure our continued survival? The Opposition’s” Voter gets Voter” campaign is becoming worrisome. Many of the new voters are brainwashed to reject conformity. They want transformation even at the expense of a bankrupt nation. The Opposition’s manifesto which includes a True Democracy may not necessarily be the best for our Country’s plurality.

And lastly, John Mallot’s (Former US Ambassador to Malaysia) glaring article criticizing the Government is nothing but Opposition’s hypocritical propaganda. So cynical and yet there are some that take it as the Gospel truth. Imagine! - Malaysia Chronicle

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