
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Connecting the dots of conspiracy

The recent publicity attracted by this blog could be seen as premature because this blog had only began to introduce and establish the characters and issues in the unjustified attack against the Attorney General office, Malaysian Royal Police, and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

In our December 15th posting, we were curious to understand the alleged loss at Malaysia Airlines Berhad by former Chairman Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli of RM8 billion.

The number does not make sense.

It had been bandied around by many but without any explanation and justification. The Wide Asset Unbundling excercise had involved RM5 billion but that is a balance sheet reconstruction excercise. How could losses reach that size? Read here.

Since MAS had always been a favourite story in this blog, we decided to investigate. We investigated beyond MAS alleged losses under Tajuddin.

We knew of the elaborate chess game involving MAS as a pawn by the vengeful and corrupt Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop.

He wanted to victimise Tajuddin to get even for the treatment he received from Tajuddin for putting the Bank Negara Malaysia in financial trouble.

Since MACC's Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel member Tan Sri Robert Phang on November 30th 2009 (readhere) made an issue on MAS reinvestigation, we investigate the other cases and issues he raised.

Few initial findings and hunches can be made.

Firstly, the alleged loss and case by Malaysian Airlines Berhad against Tajuddin Ramli was merely the storyline to do a personal attack on the Attorney General Tan Sri Gani Patail, former Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan, and Dato Abu Kassim and MACC.

Secondly, except for MACC Commissioner Abu Kassim and including Nor Yakcop, every name mentioned and that crops up has link to Anwar Ibrahim. It raises the possibilities that it is part of Anwar's grand scheme to avenge his 1998 sodomy case, improve his perception for the current case, and Anwar's constant political assault on the Government of the day by ridiculing the institutions.

Thirdly, there is evidence and indicator to show that someone was doing a hanky panky on MAS. And we happen to investigate a major hanky panky in MAS by current Ministers.

The revelation of the tip-off that Robert Phang's attempt to bribe a Secretary General was necessary to get public attention to their evil manouvring.

It is similar to the method that Raja Petra and Din Merican employed to get the public to buy into their allegations against the various institutions using falsified allegations against Tajuddin Ramli and their defense of former Police CCID Dato Ramli Yusoff and lawyer Rosli Dahalan.

In both cases, old man Phang was used.

There is a saying that those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. That is exactly what Robert Phang should not have done. A man with a past should keep his past secret. Read here.

The Malay Mail dated January 24th, 2010 deported Robert Phang saying he "has no qualms about relinquishing his post, provided he gets an official letter stating an investigation has been launched into bribery allegations against him."

MACC investigative director Datuk Mustafar Ali confirmed there is a probe. He was quoted saying, "Official statements from both Tan Sri Robert Phang and the secretary-general said to be involved will be recorded this week. That's all I can say."

With that, this blogger does not need to surface to help investigation as challenged by Robert Phang. MACC seems to have known of it.

My source can be rest assured. Just like journalist will not reveal their source, so will this blogger. This Melayu will "biar pecah perut, dari keluar dari mulut."

On January 26th, 2010, Robert Phang announced his resignation. This is despite MACC position few days before that he does not need to resign.

The Sun dated January 30th, 2011 reported that Robert Phang had not officially resign. He has yet to write officially to the Prime Minister. As of today, there is no development yet. Is he playing games?

Advisory board member Tan Sri Simon Sipaun, who share with Phang concern over Gani Patail's explanation on his Haj trip, was reported to have said, “Phang is a more vocal person than the rest in the panel and probably this could have triggered the allegations. I don’t know, I could be wrong on this.”

He is wrong.

There is nothing wrong with being vocal, especially involving bribes and corruptions. It is wrong making noise over something than cannot be substantiated and justified. Robert Phang acknowledged that he is concern with perception.

Robert Phang's noises is condemning someone, helping to repeat allegations and create public perception out of untrue happenings, and playing games without the due process of law being allowed to take place.

Remember that he is a Tan Sri with influences and network of freinds. He can;t simply shoot his mouth as he please.

In our January 19th 2011 posting, we asked how Robert Phang could secure the information of Gani going to Haj with Shahidan. This is important because Robert Phang made a big brouhaha over a petty and personal event of Gani's Haj trip with Shahidan.

To make the excuse that anyone could just go to that travel agent and sign up to go for the Haj, it will not be convincing to many.

It also means someone must be together in that trip that knows Gani and Shahidan. That person is Farah Adiba and her husband. Farah is sister to lawyer Rosli Dahalan. Will that explain the picture above of Rosli and Robert Phang together?

Rosli must have been told by his sister or her husband of the presence of Shahidan and Gani together. He definately extended the information to Robert Phang and to make a mountain out the mole hill.

The question that has been bewildering this blogger is why must Rosli make an issue out of Shahidan's friendship with Tajuddin?

As we wrote earlier, Shahidan is not a related party to Tajuddin in any way one look at it. The law is clear there. He has never acted as lawyer to represent Tajuddin. The family relationship is too much a case of bau-bau bacang.

Shahidan has no problem to maintain a personal friendship with Gani. He developed it from working relation with Gani in his days in the police force. He is in the mid-50s as compared to his cousin Rizani who is in her 40s. Rizani is married to Tajuddin's brother, Dato Bistamam.

Shahidan, Dato Ramli Yusof and Rosli Dahalan were contemporary when all of them were doing law at the Islamic International University. What made them fall out with one another?

In Raja Petra story, Shahidan was allegedly the link to show that there is a collusion between Tajuddin Ramli and Gani Patail to clear Tajuddin of any wrongdoing which Ramli Yusoff feels otherwise. It looks to be a necessary added spin to reinforce their allegation.

Perhaps .. but it reinforce something on Rosli Dahalan. That's for later postings.

Before signing off, there is another character that need to be established and connected since Robert Phang raised also about him.

He is Dato Mat Zin Ibrahim, the former Kuala Lumpur CCI and his superior and friend was Ramli Yusof.

Dato Mat Zin raised about the mata lebam incident to implicate Musa Hassan and conjuring up new allegations about DNA testing. It only confirms the hunch that he is linked to Anwar Ibrahim.

The link through Mat Zin connects the dot to an Anwar mole inside UMNO and his "partner in crime" who is now a lawyer and is close to a usefull judge. This revelation will only surface when we reach the part on Mat Zain allegations.

Stay tune.

Courtesy of Another Brick in the Wall

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