
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day - HARAM (prohibited) in Islam

Or watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YVkNzGj4XA

This video is about an ustazah giving her opinion about Valentine's Day. At minute 3:20, she said "Maksiat, Disco, Couple Couple bersunyi sunyian, inilah tradisi masyarakat yang beragama Kristian".

Is This 1Malaysia? Apparently she is still living in Ignorant Age (Zaman Jahiliah)

From Kenny Chong

1 comment:

  1. No, we don't curse Christian. Valentine's Day is haram in Islam ecause part of it againts Islam. There is Christian elements found in the celebration also did not correspond with Islamic practices. Let's take some example, when you couple, it led to the maksiat(immoral activities), and led to sex outside marriege and the final one producing an illegitimate child. See, it somehow related but how many of us know the the impacts? Islam go very details. Can you imagine when there is a rule 'NO coupling'.I'm sure the result will be NO immoral activities, NO sex outside marriage and NO illegitimate child. How peace is that? But sadly, nowadays, with many influences, not many Muslims follow that. Okay maybe you feel weird about the rule on valentine's day but there are many more weird belief and ritual in other religion. But do we bother about other religions? No, we don't. You don't have to really think ' oh how weird is that rule' because I'm pretty sure you religion doesn't teach to curse other religion. To me, my religion(Islam) is mine, and yours is yours.


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