
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, February 25, 2011

World must show there is no way out for leaders with ill-gotten gains

The waves of uprisings by citizens of Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain, Algeria and Libya that is also holding the breath of other regime leaders in other parts of the world is most noticeable.

What is also an obvious pattern is that the leaders of the affected countries are said to have stashed away exorbitant sums of money in banks across the globe - out of their own countries.

Britain for example has billions of the Libyan leader's ill gotten wealth in its banks. The same was also true for Mubarak.

In the past we have also heard about other recalcitrant crooks who stole their citizens money and hid them in foreign nests. Idi Amin, Marcos, Suharto and many more.

So it seems crystal clear that political leaders all seem to have a standard practise: hide ill-gotten wealth in banks outside their own countries - save for a great retirement.

It is about time that the global banking fraternity took a more responsible and proactive standard operating procedure of reporting unusual amounts of wealth deposited in their respective banks from individuals - especially heads of states and politicians.

By monitoring and reporting on such instances, they would have contributed to the onward global strive to enhance democracy and uphold civil liberties.

Banks should not be greedy for such ill-gotten money which they know only too well would have been stolen at the expense of millions of suffering human citizens. And by harbouring such schemings, the banks are also party to the crime against humanity and as such should not go un-punished.

This matter should also be brought before the court of world banks and the UN for immediate attention and deliberation. Hopefully it will also reach the USA government who s parading as a world leader for morals, justice and democracy globally.- Malaysia Chronicle

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