
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Anwar and Ummi to cross paths in Kerdau

The PR and BN ceramahs taking place 20 metres away from each other at Rumpun Makmur, Kerdau last night, March 2, 2011. — Picture by Choo Choy May
KERDAU, March 3 — Sparks are expected to fly in sleepy Kampung Sekoh here tonight when Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim goes on the stump within shouting distance from Ummi Hafilda Ali, a key witness in the former deputy prime minister’s first sodomy trial.

Anwar, whose presence is expected to lend some star quality to an otherwise lacklustre PAS campaign, is scheduled to hold a ceramah just across the road from Ummi Hafilda’s own talk in which she has promised to lay bare all his secrets.

Tensions ran high at the same location last night during simultaneous Umno and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) ceramahs when an angry Umno man tried to cross over to the other side, prompting PAS and PKR supporters to do the same.

Things only settled down after calmer heads on both sides urged restraint.

Ummi Hafilda largely dropped out of the sight following Anwar’s first sodomy trial but resurfaced recently after her brother, Azmin Ali, won the PKR deputy presidency.

She staged a comeback last year on the front page of Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia, when she urged Azmin to repent.

In her most recent public appearance in Merlimau yesterday, she repeated claims about Anwar’s sex affairs.

She also told the 100-strong crowd there how she had helped former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad expose Anwar’s alleged sexual misconduct out of a sense of duty to her race, country and religion.

Anwar was later convicted for abuse of power and sodomy but was released in 2004 after the Federal Court overturned his sodomy conviction.

Dr Mahathir’s former protege is currently on trial again for alleged sodomy, this time with former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan in 2008.

Ummi Hafilda has pledged not to stop until she brings down Anwar, whom she called an “anti-Christ”.

She also plans to file several lawsuits against PR leaders for allegedly defaming her and trying to cover up Anwar’s alleged crime. - Malaysian Insider

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